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Posts posted by JustADummy

  1. Evo, there's more than that. For example under the hood in the ACP, it's completely remodelled (pink menus...) and there are several new functions and rewritten functions aroung the forum. The fact Calendar, Awards and Chat redirect to the forum index means they weren't configured/possibly recoded in the case of Awards and the forum can't access them anymore because the engine changed.

  2. By now they have taken down lots of multiplayer online servers, and some sites which are back up, but they did steal passwords, they did. Look out for them, any site can be hacked at anytime...

    Source 1 (CIA Site Hacked): http://gizmodo.com/5812530/lulzsec-leaks-62000-emailpassword-combo-internet-goodie-bag

    Source 2: http://twitter.com/#!/lulzsec Their twitter

    Collection of leaked passwords: http://www.mediafire.com/?9em5xp7r0rd2yod

    Stuff looks scary to be honest. Though my email/pass isn't there.

  3. Actually sometimes the game saves files to a folder called VirtualStore in Windows Vista and 7, which sometimes acts as the game's cache and the game loads them anyway even after reinstalled. After uninstalling, delete the folders said by Gerard but also go to C:\Users\(youruser\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files and delete the Rockstar Games folder, if any.

  4. Oh, with the "what has the trivia turned into" I meant all the photos :P


    False, the presenters are Peyton and Mary Phillips.

    Q: Where's the third stop you make in Wear Flowers in Your Hair, because of The Truth's government fear?

  5. SV, there's one year that I'm here, and I've never seen any spam here :)

    If you went to the first pages, you could see I created this topic in 2007 (Holy shit, that was long ago...) and there was confusion in the middle. ;) I'll stop the offtopic though.

  6. There you go, the Guest one.


    Bem vindo de ao TheGTAPlace, um dos fansites de Grand Theft Auto mais visitados da web. Aqui irás encontrar todas as últimas notícias, vídeos, imagens e informação sobre GTA.

    Já foste ao fórum? Novos membros inscrevem-se todos os dias à procura de uma comunidade amigável e sempre disposta a ajudar. Os fóruns têm perguntas, respostas, suporte a todos os jogos GTA e claro, discussão para divertir e apenas off-topic em geral. Também temos um fórum internacional onde podes falar Português com outros membros Portugueses.

    Se falar não é o teu estilo, que tal modificar a versão PC do GTA 4? Vem à nossa base de dados de modificações e vê o que podes encontrar.

    Links missing again :S

  7. A member at [removed] registered and gave lots of information about Max Payne 3 and a "threat" that if R* didn't announce V, the guy would leak details himself. All the topics he made, including the proofs one made by another member were deleted but the links are [removed] and inside there's a zip file download with doc files and excel sheets.

    It does seem real, looks pretty professional and I don't think someone would spend all his time doing excel sheets and writing documents about Euphoria and all the type of coding. He also referred two cities would be revisited..

  8. Damn fuck you Ivan :P But here goes the returning user one:

    Olá [username]!

    Bem vindo de volta ao TheGTAPlace, um dos fansites de Grand Theft Auto mais visitados da web. Aqui irás encontrar todas as últimas notícias, vídeos, imagens e informação sobre GTA.

    Tens visitado os fóruns ultimamente? Porque não dar uma olhadela e ver se encontras alguns tópicos interessantes. Podes postar no nosso fórum internacional onde podes falar Português com outros membros Portugueses.

    Se falar não é o teu estilo, que tal modificar a versão PC do GTA 4? Vem à nossa base de dados de modificações e vê o que podes encontrar.

    Written in informal "you". Links somehow disappeared :o

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