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Posts posted by JustADummy

  1. I guess i should post here.

    I'm a old timer, member since 2006, but haven't been active in a LONG time. I would of been about 14-15 when i first joined here (Jeez, makes it seem SO LONG) but yeah, just coming back for a bit of a chat here and there.


    Welcome back and welcome everyone new and returning...

    ... Including me! I've been a member here since 2007, but I left for a while after the site has decreased activity, I've also been very busy but I'm gonna try to come back as much as I can :D

  2. Rockstar's casting company Telsey & Company has listed a "interactive project" codenamed "Rush" that some strongly believe sounds like a new Grand Theft Auto game. The cast list sounds like a game in which an FBI agent goes undercover into the Mexican drug trade.

    The cast includes:

    Mitch Hayes – 38 yrs old – Annoying, wise cracking, highly successful FBI agent. In great shape. Does triathlons, drinks low cal beer, but still has a sense of humor.

    Miguel Gonzalez – 25 yrs old – Young Mexican American FBI agent, caught between a few mob bosses. Very clean cut

    Clyde – 23 yrs old – Moronic, almost inbred and creepy white trash hillbilly. Very naïve but in a creepy 'it's only incest sort of way'

    Brother Adam – 50 yrs old – Welsh monk, cult leader, yoga teacher, very lithe, very into exploring your personal tension through gripping massage. Needs Welsh accent.

    Mrs Avery – 48 yrs old – Neurotic soccer mom, home maker, anxious and addled on pain killers. Very angry at neighbor MRS Bell.

    Mrs Bell – 45 yrs old – Swinger, and mellow Californian divorcee. Ugly but comfortable with self.

    Eddie – 47 yrs old – Weed evangelist, guy who started smoking at 30, and is now a leading proponent of marijuana's fantastic properties. White, awkward.

    Ira Bernstein – 56 yrs old – publicist for an actress known as America's newest sweetheart who just so happens to love animals, orphans, drugs and sex. He's always trying to hide her latest indiscretion.

    Kevin De Silva – 18 yrs old – Albert's fat, FPS playing gamer son. Smokes a lot of weed, has anxiety issues and a card for a bad back, very soft, very opinionated. Into making racist comments while playing online.

    Harut Vartanyan – 42-52 yrs old – Armenian car dealer, moneylender, would be Fagin and would be bully. Heavily connected to the underworld, but irritates people so much no one likes him.

    Nervous Jerry – 48 yrs old – paranoiac living in the sticks, near Simon, completely paranoid, and terrified of Simon.

    Calvin North – 55 yrs old – clapped out FBI agent who now mostly works offering advice on TV shows – whose only claim to fame turns out to be entirely false – but a decent guy in other ways. Badly dressed. Divorced. Putting on weight.

    Jerry Cole – 53 yrs old – disabled IT expert and criminal information vendor.

    Rich Roberts – 35 yrs old – English hardman actor, who acts tough but who wants to do serious work – the only problem is he can't quite read the words.

    Alex – 52 yrs old – white, loosie goosie hippy rich guy who has lost his money and is getting desperate but trying not to.

    Scarlet – 45-52 yrs old – unshaven female spiritualist and hippy with a love of exploring the wilderness. Very into journeys.

    Chad – 29 yrs old – pretty boy misogynist Beverly Hills party boy. Made money, but not as cool as he thinks he is.

    Tae Wong – 39 yrs old – somewhat incompetent Chinese mobster, loves doing ecstasy, going to raves.

    Taes Translator – 45 yrs old – VERY STRAIGHT LACED Chinese translator, terrified of his boss's dad. Male, awkward. Needs to speak Chinese.


    Seems possible, another site has listed an actress for Codename Rush, created by Take Two... http://resumes.actorsaccess.com/shandarrobinson

    "RUSH - Inner city female street - Take 2 Games "
  3. It has also been pointed out that IV is pretty much "unmodable".

    Nope it isn't. There are even total conversions already: See this is the thing on this forum, it needs more people that are willing to post news and attract modders so they post their creations in here and keep people updated about modding and GTA evolution.

  4. Welcome to the TGTAP! There's an Introduce yourself topic on the top of this forum so you could have used that instead ;) And your name: Are you Portuguese/Brazilian?

  5. The BIOS failure doesn't sound like a crappy CD ROM drive. :blink: Try resetting the CMOS or put a new battery on the motherboard; the cause of the VC problems might be the trainer, the III and VC early engines are really pissy and sensible with any change. Always ending up on an Unhandled Exception.

    On another note: What's your OS? Dr. Watson directly telling you there was an error sounds like Windows 98 :hurrhurr: (though others also use the Dr. Watson engine)

  6. A microsoft DNS server if I'm not mistaken requires Windows Server 2003 which I obviously can't afford plus I have no clue how to work it.

    No, just go to add/remove programs and install IIS, which also sucks because you'd have to install PHP, mySQL and PHPmyAdmin if needed manually. Any server can do the job, like mediafire, I bet Mediafire uses Apache or lighttpd, some sites even use IIS but that's another story. What you need is a decent working website script so it uploads files to a certain folder, you'll always have access to them by FTP or locally but you'd have to script a website first, so it could upload. The only thing you must change manually is the max upload size on php.ini to what you wish, nothing more? :blink:

  7. Alternatively, I could try to come on here more often, I miss talking to some of you guys, especially Scott., Spider-Vice, mpilk, Gerard and so on... it could be good to return as a full time member :)

    Haha, thanks for the warm hidden re-welcome; I'll try to come back but I've been busy, and well, forgetting this forum gradually as it's starting to get dead but I see some new stuff. New member groups and awards, now this is how we should keep up. What's remaining here is the all-latest news.

    On another hand, I would seriously re-join the FFM again as a Consigliere if the gangs system came back, though we'd have to assure its stability (of the system) and maybe try to get a MTA server and someone who could be active in both European and American times to moderate and manage it.

  8. Downgrading isn't possible, Mike. Chris would need to restore a two year old backup and yeah, I'm back here :). IMO, the merge with GTAWiki could be useful, as they get plenty of visits and a link to TGTAP wouldn't hurt and might increase registers and posts. New content too, try to be more updated in news, you've been outdated lately, you need to try to get news ASAP so Google wants to crawl TGTAP more.

    As for the gang system, only if a MTA server is possible, a gang system is pointless just on a forum doing deals and saying like "bang you're killed, you're out of the gang" as I hate RP's. About the staff, maybe, some of the staff are getting pretty inactive these days.

    In the news subject again, you could get a News Posters group so everyone and not only staff would help. These are my 2 cents.

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