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Everything posted by MeL

  1. 100 posts even though it took me forever to get and its toilet paper to everyone else
  2. I always thought it would like like the VC and SA one but i like this new look.
  3. well i have nothing to say but this
  4. Yea i went there i found a button that said update your driver and it worked THANK YOU ALL FOR HELPIN
  5. http://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx?lang=en-us Yea i have been there be4 i just never knew where to find my product series and type and all that other stuff. Where can i find it because last time i tryed i ended up not working.
  6. MeL

    Stuntman: Ignition

    Well i rented it for the ps2 the concept of the game is new but gets old really quick the controls are as same as any other raceing game plus do you know if the graphics are any better for the ps3 because for the ps2 it looks like shit imean it looked like ps1!! well over all i rate it a 3/10 (remember i had ps2 not sure if the ps3 version is much diff)
  7. ok i got the direct3d acceleration to work now. My gta vc works now but when iu try halo i get a message that my drivers are known to have issues with the game and that i need to update them. Where can i update my 64MB NVIDIA GeForce2 MX with TV Out?
  8. Look you wanted these people to tell you what thay think of it if you dont want to hear thats its bad then why even make this topic?
  9. WOW I would have to say that was the best stund vid i have ever saw, great work.
  10. well i started playing 25 to life agn (very old game but online is ok...) I have also rented Stuntman: Ignition and it it TERRIBLE the idea of the game is good but ps1 graphics i sure hope its better on the ps3. Oh yea and bf2 online the ps2 version (yea i know its toilet paper to the computer version).
  11. You should look at the last post before you reply this topic is old and no longer needs anymore so you really bumbed it for no reason...
  12. Ok i was trying to play Halo and it said that i needed to update my drivers so i did and now when i try to run Direct3D Acceleration it says failed at step 8 so i cant play any games now I dont know much about computers so if you need any more info or somethin that would make it easyier for you to solve just ask.
  13. i have like 3 computers running at once so its slow
  14. Ok sounds good cant wait for the bidding to start!
  15. Those look nice but do all of those sigs come with an avi?
  16. Well im still probally going to get a xbox 360 cause well i has all types of games i like the well except the MGS games witch i will miss and ps3 doesnt have much "good" games yet plus GTA IV will be on xbox 360 also. For Blueray and HD i think HD will win and if it does i will totally forget abot the ps3 (maybe). Now if only Home where for xbox 360 oh well it could happen. and Donkey Porker do you play second life? i tryed it and its cool but its very laggy.
  17. THANK YOU!! i told him so many times that u cant just get it from beating the game and for the crashing maybe it might be casue your uncle eather droped it or played for super long periods of time.
  18. ok you dont have it for ps2 u have it for xbox and i thought ur parents wouldent let you get it but whatever try e-bay im almost positive they have it or try some other website online it shouldent be to hard to find. but if you dont want to buy it online then ur pritty much out of options.
  19. ^ LOL! i probally wont cause its not that good looking and im sure they will come out with more later hopefully for less $$ too.
  20. MeL

    animal abuse

    well maybe he has had a bad past experence with dogs or the owners are mean then the dog might be if they abuse it or like u said it just wanted to be pet most dogs just want to hang with you.
  21. umm WOW! i didnt think it would be anything like that now i dont know if i should get teh ps3 or xbox360
  22. MeL

    animal abuse

    pitbulls are fine dogs if you dont train them to attack other things by abusing them i know a few people who own pitbulls and they are very nice dogs but sence they are so strong people tend to use pitbulls for fighting so manly people claim the dogs as mean but its actually the people who are mean.
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