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Everything posted by crazychicken17
My point exactly. The PSP offers nothing new. No game released on DS requires you to press buttons on both sides of the screen and use the touchpad at the same time. Plus, cartridges don't get scratched and generally last longer. Which, if you're like me and are always scratching your CDs, is a good thing. Plus cartridges don't need to be kept in a box or protective slip, you can just keep them in your pocket. They're better for a handheld console, but not for a living room console, which is why Gamecube used disks - cartridges are more expensive to make. And the reason the GC uses small disks is to save space. Hey, who cares if it means less actual MB? Metroid Prime and its sequel - they're both huge games, and despite being on smaller disks they still rule over most PS2 games (especially Metroid Prime 2, which is the third best game ever - behind Half Life 2 and San Andreas). The Playstation used cd-roms, it came out before the N64, which still used cartridges. Why would a company change what system its consoles used based purely on what its rivals were doing, anyway? CDs had been around long before the playstation arrived on the scene. Nintendo switched over because, at the end of it all, cartridges are too expensive to make. But seriously, I challenge you to give one actual reason, other than the manafacturer's cost which barely affects gamers anyway, why using discs is better than cartridges in any way at all for a handheld console. Oh, and as for the whole PS2/Gamecube debate, all I can say is: I used to be a PS2 fanboy. 'The Gamecube is a Gaycube!' I thought. 'Just look at the cel-shaded graphics on that Zelda game! Ha!'. Then, my little brother actually got a Gamecube for his birthday. Now I've played Metroid Prime and Metroid Prime 2, the Wind Waker, Zelda collectors edition, Mario Sunshine, and so many other brilliant Gamecube exclusives, and I've changed my mind. Just because these games have cartoony-graphics, don't be put off. You'll find, like I did, that they're utterly brilliant. If only Nintendo could come up with a half-decent marketing campaign (it's a well known fact that Nintendo suck at marketing), they might actually stand a chance against their rivals. However, one thing I'm sure we can all agree on is that the X-Box sucks. Anyway, I'm off to boarding school tomorrow, so say what you want to me about this post, because by the time I'm back, this topic will have dropped several pages.
Behold, part 18. Feel free post comments, suggestions, constructive criticism, or just congratulate me on being such an awesome writer. . Part 18: Down to business. Alex Obbarius was a man of the world. All his life he had run a mostly legitimate business, which he had inherited from his father. His work had taken him all over the world. And, unfortunately for him, today it was taking him to the United States of America. America was, to say the least, not his favourite country. In his youth, he had had many, very good reasons for disliking one of the world’s only two superpowers – but now, twenty years later, Alex was old, senile, and suffering from mild Alzheimer’s, and had forgotten all the reasons. All he could remember about them was that they had been very convincing reasons, and so as he descended the steps of his private jet and put his feet onto the tarmac, he looked around at Vice City’s scenery with disgust. He walked through the airport lobby with a brisk pace. The crowd naturally opened up in front of him and closed again behind him. This was a tall man, of fairly muscular build, dressed in a neat black suit with red tie, cufflinks and freshly polished shoes. His hair was neatly combed back, and he carried a medium-sized briefcase. The contents of the briefcase were obviously valuable, because not only was the briefcase handcuffed to the man’s hand, but two heavy, faceless, sunglass wearing, earpiece-donning bodyguards flanked the man, both with suspicious handgun shape bulges in their inner pockets. Everything about the man screamed one thing: he meant business. Rather than go through the bother of airport security, he simply flashed ID and was let through a small barrier normally reserved for airport staff. It didn’t matter if he was smuggling drugs or weapons, or taking dangerous items onto a plane – he was rich. His limo was waiting just outside the airport entrance, just as planned. His plane had arrived late, and the limo was blocking one of the main routes in the airport carpark, so it had caused quite a tailback. But it didn’t matter if he held up the traffic at one of America’s busiest airports for ten minutes – he was rich. He entered his limo. His bodyguards sat opposite him, staring at him, dreaming of the day when someone actually threatened the man they were supposed to be guarding, and they at long last got a chance to put their extensive training to good use. “Guten tag, Max,” said Alex. His chauffeur nodded without turning round. “Take me straight to the place. No detours, no stops, nothing,” said Alex in heavily accented English. He turned to his bodyguards, and this time spoke in his native German. “If anything unexpected happens at all – and I mean anything, whether it’s a car crash, if we get stopped by the police, even if a road is closed – if anything unexpected happens, I want you to treat it as if it’s an attempt to steal the briefcase. You hear me?” The bodyguards nodded blankly. Max started the engine. Alex stared out the window, watching Vice City’s not-so-luscious scenery pass him by. The deal had to happen. Everything had to run completely smoothly, and if it did, he would be 100,000 dollars richer. But this deal had to be just as secret as it would have to be smooth – because, although Alex ran a legitimate business, sometimes he had to abandon morality for the sake of a profit.
Since my half-term started. But I'm back off to boarding school again tomorrow, so you'll just have to last without me. Last time I checked, Japan wasn't a city. But, as for the answer, is it Barcelona or Valencia?
I noticed something very annoying when trying to make this post - flood control. Okay, so I can understand why we have it - but 60 seconds is too long. Anyway: The easy way: Your parents. The not-so-easy ways, in case your parents are fascists (like mine): Give a friend with non-fascist parents money and get them to buy it for you. (How I'll be getting SA) Order it online. Get someone in the store to buy it for me. Borrow the game from a friend who's bored with it. (what I did to get VC) Or, the hard way: Wait until you're old enough. Yeah, right. Not legally. When was the last time you heard about someone going to jail or whatever for selling a 16-year old an 18 rated game. The only people who care about age-ratings are people who don't play games but assume they're more evil/unsuitable than books or movies or whatever because they read books and watched movies when they were children but didn't play videogames. Well, all those people can gently caress off. Which reminds me, if you live in England (good for you), go buy yourself a copy of this month's PCGamer (which, along with Cube, are the only good videogame magazines in the country. If you own a PS2, and want a PS2 magazine, you can choose between biased reviews and not much else (OPS2, they gave Metal Gear Solid 2 10/10, for god's sake, and The Sims got 8/10! Neither of these games deserves more than 4) or a magazine blatantly aimed at seven year olds whose knowledge of games doesn't extend beyond Disney movie tie ins (P2 and PSM2, the latter of which spends too much time talking about how much better than its rivals it is to get any journalism done). Anyway, where was I? Oh right, yeah. Buy this months PCGamer, hell, subscribe while you're at it, and read this months regular article, Devil's Advocate. I'm not gonna bother to type it out here, but this month it's a brilliant, sarcastic, hilarious satirical attack on anti-videogame-violence protestors. Classic. Was this relevant? Not really. Oh well, I've typed it now and there's no stopping me.
You're all wrong: A dollar is worth roundabout 60p, and is close in value to the Euro. But all I can say is: screw the PSP and it's 2.5 hour battery life, lack of anything new at all, and catalog of games which contains nothing other than watered-down versions of existing PS2 games. It's the DS for me.
Me no likee the Tondi. I think after being banned from just about every GTA-related forum there is, he gave up. It was sortof fun having him here, if only because he was always there to laugh at. For newbs, what did Tondi do? He: Claimed to be 37, then later admitted to be 11. Started a shitty gang, only one person joined, that person turned out to be Tondi again under a different username. Had a signature literally thirty lines long. Actually, he did a hell of a lot more than that, it's just too painful for me to type it all.
London - is that the Millenium bridge?
No, Toni was about pissing off the triads. Joey's were about pissing off the Forellis. Thanks though, I've got what I need to know. So, the Cartel piss you off by betraying you, then with Joey you piss off the Forellis. Toni helps you piss off the traids, then with Salvatore you piss off the Cartel. Asuka and Kenji want you to piss off the Cartel and the Leones, and Donald Love just pisses off everyone for the sake of a profit. In the end, everybody in Liberty City is pissed off with everybody else. No wonder there's so much crime.
av 2/5 sig 2/5 Personality: Don't know who you are, but you seem like a cool guy.
Yeah, apart from that time he got banned. Anyway. What is?
Are you talking about the main site or the forums? The forums, at one point, were doing really well, and I'd say we were in the top 10, although nowhere close to giants like gtaforums and gtadiscussion. Then all kinds of crazy shit happened (getting hacked, for example), many active members left (like me) or got banned (like spaz), and we're not doing nearly so well now. Which reminds me, why is Spaz unbanned again? Did pyro and pagan get unbanned too?
At the risk of sounding like a complete sad act, I like school, at least for the social aspect. And some lessons I enjoy, usually because we have a cool teacher, or because the lesson is a complete doss and we never actually do any work. On my first day of boarding school, having got up an hour-and-a-half earlier than I normally do, I very, very nearly fell asleep in school assembly. Every few seconds my head would drop, and I'd just manage to keep my eyes open, because I knew if I did fall asleep, the sound of 500 pupils leaving the room wouldn't be enough to wake me.
I don't sleep in class, but believe me I've tried. Hey, I go to a boarding school where the academic day starts at 8:45 and doesn't end till 6:15. And then we have prep from 7:30 until 9:00 Although I guess I've just made it sound a lot worse than it actually is. In that 8:45-6:15 slot, we have 7 40-minute lessons, plus break, lunch, about an hour-and-a-half's break, then games, so probably only half of that time is spent in lessons. And not much of that time is spent actually working.
Hey, I've just realised I'm not a mod anymore. Oh well, I suppose that's to be expected when you visit the forum once every couple of months. HELP NEEDED: No, I don't need you to suggest what will happen next, because, for once, I have a fair bit of the future story planned out in my head. But I need information, because I can't remember a couple of things which I need to remember for the next part of the story. because it's easier to ask here than to go and fire up GTA3 and VC, or to search GameFAQS for a few obscure bits of information. So please tell me: 1: I havn't played VC for a while - the fat guy who you kill at the end (not Lance), was he called Sonny? And what was his surname? 2: In GTA3, Joey's mission revolve around pissing off a rival Mafia family. What were they called? I have a feeling that Sonny was a member of that Mafia family? Anyway, without further ado: Part 17: Warning “Mr. Vercetti,” said the barrister, “does the name ‘Jack Poulet’ mean anything to you?” Tommy thought for a moment. “Why,” he said after a few seconds, “I believe so, yes. He was a business associate of mine a few years ago. I haven’t seen him for years, though.” The barrister smiled. He paced around the room for a few seconds, hands behind his back, his chin up. He seemed to only be doing this for dramatic effect. “It may interest you to know, Mr. Vercetti, that Jack Poulet died two months ago.” Tommy’s eyes widened. “Well,” he stuttered, “I’m shocked... I… that’s, that’s terrible, but what has that to with this trial?” “Because, Mr. Vercetti,” the barrister snapped, “Jack Poulet was brutally murdered – shot several times in the face and torso – the day after your – I mean, Mr. Diaz’s mansion was bombed.” There was a heavy silence in the courtroom as Vercetti realised what the man was implying. “Are you suggesting that I might have had anything to do with his death?” snapped Vercetti, offended at the very suggestion. “Yes, Mr. Vercetti, I am. Because, a few months before his death, his mother was murdered as well – a bomb was planted underneath the trailer in which she lived. Several cars were seen fleeing the crime scene, shooting at eachother. The police gave chase – I’m sure you know about this event, it was major news at the time – and in the resulting car chase and firefight, several Haitian men and one American man were killed. All of the Haitian men, it was later revealed , were under the payroll of Jack Poulet. The other man – he was under Diaz’s pay.” “Then frolicking find Diaz!” screamed Vercetti. “Every single thing you bring up points to Diaz, not me! And for the last frolicking time, I don’t know where Diaz is anymore than you do! Since he went missing I’ve been looking harder for him than anything the VCPD has tried! So give me a break!” “Objection!” shouted Ken Rosenburg – speaking for the first time in several hours. Tommy seemed to do perfectly fine on his own. “The murder of Jack Poulet is not what my client is on trial for! And if anything-“ “Order in the court!” cried the judge, slamming his hammer against the table. The shouting continued. The two lawyers were shouting incoherent legal babble at eachother. “ORDER!” The court fell silent. The prosecution lawyer coughed, adjusted his glasses, and turned to Vercetti. And then the process started all over again. Meanwhile, a sleek, black, private jet touched down at Vice City airport. ------------------------------------------------ Don't you just love it how I seamlessly link this courtroom case to that car chase all that while back? Why, it's almost as if I plan ahead. Which I don't.
Well, this topic is almost a year old, and the original word documents of TVG are on my old, rusty computer which I havn't used once since getting my shiny new laptop (I'm just a spoilt little rich kid), but anyway, I feel like flexing my creative muscle and returning to this story. Plus I need a reason to visit these forums again. Part whatever-it-is coming soon. Maybe. In the meantime, have fun reading the copyright-breaking fan fiction of a bored 14-year-old*. *I was actually 13 at the time I wrote this, in case you care.
Yeah, well the PSP is gonna suck, so who really cares? Ooh! Ooh! They've made a PS2 with two less shoulder buttons and a smaller screen! Joy! Lets all pay stupid sums of money so we can play our favourite PS2 games all over again, only with worse graphics!
Coke is stronger, and has a nicer aftertaste. Pepsi tastes more artificial and less fizzy. But Coke Vanilla is the most disgusting drink ever, and whoever thought of it should be fed through a woodchipper. Apparently, the bloke who originally invented the formula for coke (hey that rhymes) sold it for $100. DUMBASS.
But he's right... I always used the L-Stick to move my character when on foot, and the d-pad to steer in the car. I really hate having to use the stick to steer. I know that this topic was closed, but I don't care. Oh, and Cryptecks: Question 1: Who are you? Question 2: Why are you an admin?
Its a long way to the top
crazychicken17 replied to blinkdude182's topic in General GTASA Discussion
Eh? Spaz is back? Welcome back, Spaz, the forums died when you, Pagan and Pyro were banned. Oh, I'm sure the videos great and all, but I'm too lazy to download it over 56k. (Mr broadband connection died recently. Shit) -
What's the longest amount of time these forums have managed to stay up for? Since I joined, there have been shop changes (too many to count, and it all counted for nothing eventually), server switches, server problems (some major downtime then), changes of URL, and, to top it all off, mass deleting of every member account, post, and topic - once because Chris wanted a fresh start plus there were some server problems or something, then again because of THAT frolicking HACKER! <quote>I've been bored in the past week. </quote> Must... resist... abusive.. jokes...
I havn't seen the video, but I've heard the song, and I've got to say that it completely and utterly sucks. I think Eminem is usually okay, although not particularly good, but this song really blows.
I'm trying not to be completely overwhelmed by all the previews, hype and rumours. When I got GTA3 and VC, my only experience of them wa playing on them a couple of times at a friend's house - I didn't know anything about them, which meant I was completely blown away when I did play them. Listen, what I'm saying is - what is the point in all this theorising? Does it really matter if you can 'guess' beforehand the layout of the cities? Is it too much trouble to wait a few months for the game to come out, then you can see the exact layout of the official map? This whole 'mappng SA' idea is complelety and utterly pointless.
gta san andreas info ( copy and paste of my other
crazychicken17 replied to snoop dogg's topic in General GTASA Discussion
I feel like I've lost a few points of IQ just reading this guy's post. -
Your opinion on the new Roller Coaster Tycoon?
crazychicken17 replied to Precision's topic in Gaming
Why isn't there an option saying 'it looks bad'? Doesn't that make for pretty one sided results? Anyway, I voted for the third option. -
Getting the forums more active
crazychicken17 replied to Chris's topic in Suggestions / Help / Bug Reporting
In the same way ads and stuff attract people? Man, I hate the phrase 'lol'...