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Everything posted by hunter88888

  1. I'll light your lawn on fire, hell, I'll light you on fire old man!
  2. Don't be bad, don't you see he wants a relationship? Take her to fancy places that'll work. But what's the point to that? All you get is her car at 50%.
  3. Which X-Men is he, exactly (no offense) ?
  4. Hey again. Need Zero's missions done (this time didn't do the 2nd one, I guess I can do some missions sometimes, sometimes I can't). And if you could please check my schools and get golds where I haven't... I want to have all the vehicles spawning... Hope I don't bother you too much Zoom. Thanks in advance and no busts/wastes, ok? EDIT: oh, and btw Zoom, you're famous! I just remembered reading a few guides on gamefaqs mentioning you for discovering how to unlock food places before "Ryder" (by purposefully failing a food date with of the girlfriends)!!!!!!1!!!!!1!!1!!one GTASAsf1.zip
  5. LOL funniest edit ever. Just as you're about to shoot the guys it switches to your landing... Keep on rocking Zoom.
  6. GTA was the best mission ever...
  7. Lucky... my grandma doesn't even have a PC...
  8. Guys, just leave it at Eastern Europe, seriously, get a hobby or something...
  9. Well this is me in front of my San Andreas map. I tried rotating my pictures but didn't work out so good so just use your heads...
  10. The Tampons Have Eyes 2 30 Days of Tampons 28 Tampons Later The Tampon 23 I Am Tampon American Tampon Tampon And Robin Tampon For Vendetta Tampon's Bride 27 Tampons Shindler's Tampon. The Tampon Movie Tampon Story Bratz: The Tampon Lord of The Tampons The Two Tampons Return of The Tampon Tampon Wars The Tampon Menace Revenge of The Tampon Tampon Wars The Tampon Strikes Back Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Tampon Harry Potter and The Order of The Tampon American Pie Tampon House American Pie The Naked Tampon Alien VS Tampon Tampon VS Predator: Requiem
  11. I'll upload a pic later today just for laughs... confident I won't win but I got a new haircut and I want everyone to see...
  12. @RanxeroX:like hyper said, don't shoot down choppers unless you need to, use machine guns as much as possible, collect bribes and if you got a lot of time and too many stars just land near a Pay N Spray, steal a car, Spray away and get back in the hunter.
  13. Well actually turtles are usually very fast... it's just when they get old...
  14. Well there's one in my sig and just added one to the post...
  15. I think it matters! Juts go to the link and look at all the people that commented!
  16. Dude, just shoot her, wait for Woozie's call, get inside her house, get the card, get out. Simple.
  17. So um someone (sorry forgot who) created a TGP Forum Minicity and basically, the city gets a person (and therefore grows) for each visit (limited to one IP per day), so i thought it'd be nice if everyone went there everyday and then when it became huge we could totally brag about it! What do you say guys!? You could stay in the sun passing a ball around, or you could sit at your computer and do something that matters! http://tgp.myminicity.com/
  18. What'd you say about my clothes, biatch?!
  19. But dude... we DO have a chip-up-our-ass-satellites-watching-everything-we-do *Da da da*
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