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Everything posted by Deji

  1. Deji

    BIG Explosion

    Sorry to ressurect a 15 day old topic if thats too long for some. And for double posting but does this make any sense to anyone or give them a clue of how to cause a big explosion? Type----------Visible----------Does Split------Range 0--------------Yes--------------No--------------Large 1--------------Yes--------------No--------------Normal 2--------------Yes--------------No--------------Large 3--------------Yes--------------No--------------Large 4--------------Yes--------------Yes--------------Normal 5--------------Yes--------------Yes--------------Normal 6--------------Yes--------------No--------------Very Large 7--------------Yes--------------No--------------Huge 8--------------No---------------No--------------Normal 9--------------No---------------No--------------Normal 10-------------Yes--------------No--------------Large 11-------------Yes--------------No--------------Small 12-------------Yes--------------No--------------Very Small 13-------------No---------------No--------------Large
  2. Wow... Controls I never knew would be used. Like 'F' to enter a vehicle Why would I aim, move and jump at the same time? I just point, run and shoot TBH.
  3. I don't use the W, A, S, D controls... Tbh I think they are stupid. I changed most buttons in San Andreas and this is my setup: On foot: Attack = Click Aim = RClick Up = Up Down = Down Left = Left Right = Right Sprint = Num 0 (Ins) Jump = Spacebar Crouch = C Walk = Ctrl Action = TAB Change View = Num . (Del) Weapon Change/Zoom = Scroll Enter/Exit = Enter Gang Forward = Num 9 Gang Backward = Num 3 Yes = Num 7 No = Num 1 In Vehicle: Accelerate = Up Brake = Down Left = Left Right = Right Handbrake = Num 0 (Ins) Horn = H or CAPS Sub-mission = 1 or 2 Skip track = F5 Lean up = Num 8 Lean back = Num 2 Look left = Num 7 Look right = Num 9 Special action (Driveby) = Num 1 To use hydraulics is the only time I use W, A, S and D and W and S on mine makes the Hydra start moving or stop. I'm betting other peoples will be different. I will post a screenshot later.
  4. Well I suppose since people have been asking for Area 69 to be opened you can replace the vent cover bit with the ladder. Although, the map editor doesn't show it up since it's only placed by main.scm work and I don't want to mess with that too soon so I'll check about that later. I'm sure I can find something totally uneeded. Like the shark in the game Lovin your '69' posts xD
  5. I NEVER care about graphics in games. Im still not really liking this game much and the only thing I can find to do is crash on a bike, so I'm not that bothered if the game is above my PC's speed. I'd be interested in having it to try it a bit more but it is prob gonna be about 14 GB! I have an 80GB HD with only 5GB ATM... Wow... People use the WASD controls!? I switch em to the good ol' Arrow Buttons.
  6. Hmm... IDK. I'll try it but I might make seperate mods for that. Trying to make the parkour realistic. No Prince of Persia stuff xD
  7. Okay, I'm planning to make a Parkour mod where you could really impress someone with your favourite spots. Some of my ideas will require buttons added, stuff coded and maps edited a little. I can do the maps and animations. But not the button mapping. So anyone who wants to help me complete a great mod just say and I'll add you to the team and we can begin modding I've already started modding the animations... This is what I plan to add/edit: Higher, longer jumps. (Reach buildings easier) Leap button (Ends with roll) *Shimmying (Press left and right while held on to a ledge) *Over into shimmy. (Player climbs over and dangles) *Climb down. (Walk slowly to an edge to dangle down) *Verticle wall climb. (Player puts all hands and feet on to to opposite, close walls to climb up) *Ladders and polls. (Climbable ladders and poles. This may require special object configuration, may be impossible) (* = Something that may be hard to accomplish)
  8. Find all my tutorials here: http://gtag.ipbfree.com/index.php?showforum=12 (http://gtag.ipbfree.com/index.php?showforum=12) Just made a map modding one. Have fun! (BTW You'll have to sign up. That's all I ask for all my mods and tutorials)
  9. Maybe for people who like that sort of thing...
  10. Deji

    Parkour Mod

    BINGO! YAHTZEE! EUREEKKAAA! Thanx all, I've figured everything out I can now mod anims :D
  11. Deji

    BIG Explosion

    I dont think its anim... And i tried weapon.dat editing. Just makes the explosion stay the same :-/
  12. I want to make a big explosion. Big enough to look like the boat north of San Fierro is blowing up but 20 Satchels wont do it. I want to just be able to use a few satchels and make the satchels have bigger blast radius. So could someone please either make this for me or tell me how to do it. I'm quite independent and know about most coding of SA so just telling me may be easier
  13. Deji

    Parkour Mod

    Okay but the major thing that'd make everything easy is some way to view the anim files inside the archive...
  14. Deji

    Parkour Mod

    Maybe GTA Forums has the answer... They have alot of modders...
  15. Deji

    Parkour Mod

    My idea with the ladder was just to assign a new button that allows CJ to climb just about anything with that animation. As well as many other things such as higher jumping, leap buttons ect... I could try when I get back home but I'm on holi at the moment. I think I'll be back by the first week of August . So... noone knows how to simply add animations?...
  16. Deji

    Parkour Mod

    I know there is already a Parkour mod and I don't know how to make animation mods. But I'm hoping when I finish brushing up on adding new functions to GTA:SA that someone will help me make a better Parkour mod for San Andreas. I've got a heap of ideas as well as including the abillity to climb ladders... WITH ANIM! The problem is IDK if anyone here can mod anims or knows how to. I have expirience with making 3D animation but I just don't know how to mod the actual game. So can I either have help with this mod, someone makes it or tells me how to mod animations. Thanks! Oh and by the way, this is very important to me
  17. Of course it was gonna happen... $$$ NEVER! I still have a bloody Sega Megadrive and now your telling me my PS2 is dead!? I feel old
  18. San Andreas. But I absolutely hate Radio X. That's the only one I would never listen to. San Andreas (User Track Player Radio Los Santos, Playback FM, K-Jah West, Bounce FM... ect.)
  19. Greeaat... I love liberty city
  20. Sorry I cant do anything atm.. Im currently on holiday until August... Come back then or ask someone else
  21. You gotta be kidding me!? Chinatown Wars? I saw this on a site and thought they were crazy... Not that I don't like China but I'd think it'd hit Japan before Chinatown even if it meant that it wasn't set in America. Chinatown is in San Andreas as the smallest town to exist xD Anyway... Any word on the prognatist? And is it only on Nintendo? Not PC? Looks funny. xD
  22. Oh god... You kidding? You know how much money they'd earn from releasing it on PC? No company could resist.
  23. Where can I find some advanced mission coding tutorials that actually teach me mission coding. (San Andreas) I already know how to spawn weaps, pickups, cars and some other random things...
  24. WOOOHHOOOO! I thank you all! I've found the thing and am about to test it on samp now
  25. Link? i tried searching but found nothing...
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