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Everything posted by Deji

  1. SiS Mirage Graphics... Thats all I know. I'm tryna resist opening the case and I just get that on the Device Manager thing. Sounds like a 32MB thing if the bugfix details on the 1.1 patch are anything to go by. It says this happens on 32MB GFX cards.
  2. Okay I'm trying to remove Warrock from my friends life (Saving him from himself) by iving him SAMP. The problem is his mums computer has a shitty GFX card but enough RAM to handle other things. San Andreas runs like a bare footed, drunken, blond bimbo on drugs with a rock chained to her feet. (Translation: SA Runs slow) And I found out that switching his game to 16-bit colour mode works fine. So then I re-downgraded back to 1.0 (Which magically fixed another problem) to find out that the 'Advanced' option crashes the game. I have to press 'Enter' or 'Space' to get rid of an error screen I can't see. I notice that this problem is from having the 1.0 version of the game and having a shitty GFX card. So without the abillity to access the advanced options I can't re-configure the quality settings and have it run better. And because it runs slowly SA-MP refuses to start properly after I pick the server and 2.0 or 1.1 won't work with SAMP... I'm looking for a way to get onto the Advanced options without having to use the upgrade patches and be inable to access SAMP. Wasn't there some trainer that had advanced controls?
  3. Blah... Just read: http://gtag.ipbfree.com/index.php?showtopi...view=getnewpost I'd kill myself if I had to post that again... -.-
  4. The shark is real... I found the shark... (Or rather 2/3 pieces of the shark). The txd and other thingy file are there but it will never spawn in game as there is no code enabling this. The floating fish are freaky though but thats just a bug along with many things. There are loads of freakish things in the game. Wasn't a character in Manhunt Leatherface or something? I never played it but if 'Piggsy' or LFace is in it then there is clearly supposed to be referances in the game to him. But yeah, I checked the coding for paranormal activity and had none... Although I did find an unscripted paranormal event... It's where people are cream coloured and the game is as slow as hell... Oh wait... Thats a bug of my friends GFX card... Rockstar said there was something that hadn't been found and aparently they were gonna tell everyone upon GTAIV's release. But I heard nothing. Probably just something they say just to get us to play it alot... There probably are things to be found... Only a few days ago I found clues to a new myth but they just turned out to be leading to nothingness... Keep looking!!
  5. Gangstarr ft. Jadakiss - Right were you stand Love it so much!!
  6. Doesn't matter really. Don't really see what the major difference between American and British is anyway... You're hardly ever on MSN tho... Busy with GTA4? Well there are alot of characters anyway. From Italian to African American to a Girl (I think a girl is gonna be hard to find for a GTASA series) I will choose everyones roll once I get their voice samples (BTW: All) We have a forum where all the Scope crew discuss things and post scripts ect (Although it's locked to non-members)... http://gtag.ipbfree.com You will have to PM me if you sign up so I can give you the permissions to post/view the topic and then you can discuss anything in that forum without the worry of giving away information to the viewers. (There are 2 forums titled 'Scope' so click the top one for the crew talk )
  7. lol. trying to make mine easy and simple. Besides, I find escape games hard so it may be harder for me to make one!
  8. Me chose the middle one and I can change my forums max avatar size anyway.
  9. lol... The thing that gets me... You need to download/mod the game to get hot coffee which means you are practically accepting what is there. Why do the parents go mad at the game when their kid is the one who downloaded the abillity to have hot coffee. They should be taking the kids game off them anyway. I personally think the mod is just really weird. I don't really want it in my game but still don't care if that stuff is in it. R* made the effort to disable hot coffee...
  10. To All Sorry for the long wait in reply. Which has caused you to take the pics off xO Please repost them if you have and I'll tell you when I've had the chance to get them Ahh the pics didn't load! Lol. Cheers TOXIC. That one was perfect for me. Thanks.
  11. Scope I need skilled voice actors for My GTASA Machinima series: Scope. Although series 1 is nearly finished I would like to DUB it with speech. I have lot's of Scripts already prepared and a private place to pass them over, think of ideas ect. You can view the trailer here: Trailer We already have one voice actor pending but we need lot's more. Email/MSN me at: [email protected] OR Apply on the Official Forums at: http://gtag.ipbfree.com OR PM Me OR Just post here. Ask for further info.
  12. Deji

    Need help...

    hmm... Works on my firefox but I'll try to redo the whole websites layout. I really hate frames and tables though. I'll find a way. Oh, and I can't develop it for Firefox first... As it doesn't show what I can see in my html editor/designing thing. It's easy to do it in the same way as i am anyway...
  13. I'll do it... In like... A month xD I'm still on holiday...
  14. Ya look... When I get home I will do it. Just chill Of course I have the knowledge otherwise I wouldn't even post.
  15. Spare me the moaning but me and my friend personally think Saints Row 2 looks pretty good... And the comeback isn't as good as the original Saints Row ad (No Offence) So what Is the big problem with Saints Row? It looks like a laugh! The GTA IV comeback might have been better if the clips weren't all of Niko crashing which isn't that impressive... In fact, It annoys me greatly. BTW my other post was BEFORE I watched the original (Funny) Saints Row ad I'm buying it xD
  16. I made it a request as Idk who to go to for a graphic xD I've decided it is time to change my avatars and sigs to something new. However, I'm on holiday in Manchester (Hey! I call it a holiday! OK?) And my friend only has... Paint... Not that I have anything wrong with paint unlike some people but I dont really think that I could EVER use just that to make a graphic xD... Anyway, I want a sig and avatar... I need one around the San Andreas theme and to simply have my name (Deji). I usually just go crazy and experiment and then adjust so I dont ever really think about what I want. Ehem... What I'm saying is... As long as it's around the San Andreas theme and is cool I'll take it. Suprise me with anything else and I'll take my favourite (My favourite, not neccessarily the best, so don't be offended if I dont pick yours) I'll pay anything as I dont really know what the money here is for anyway... I'll stop blabbering on and let you make gfx... PS... The Avatar needs to be 64 X 64 pixels in size
  17. IDK... Maybe, but I've not developed that much coding skills yet... im going on a vacation today, and i wont be back until sunday.... so take your time... Lol... Im on... Vacation Holiday So I cant do too much atm... I can help you out with things but my tools are at home...
  18. Works fine for me. You sure your doing it right and not just deleting the whole thing?
  19. Lol... The Saints Row one is quite funny (Except for Fanboys). Looks like a laugh but it's not worth my money and its too punkish for me GTA: San Andreas FTW!
  20. Episode 7 Out! Suprise Release! Episode 7 - 'Paul'
  21. IDK... Maybe, but I've not developed that much coding skills yet...
  22. IDK What to say about the damaged car thing. It worked fine for me... I understand what went wrong with the save though. I'll fix it...
  23. DONE! Download You need to start a new game... blah, blah, blah... Download Go thru the instructions in the rar file and you will spawn in the save house near your car. The car is down the steps to the right of your house though as it wouldn't fit on that one properly. And I think It may come out in the wrong colour I chose green but IDK whats goin on with that... Anyone else? @ Spider-Vice Good News! I think I know what went wrong. I had a modded .scm. So I can redo your thing..
  24. It's one of the bugs you gotta love.
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