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Everything posted by Alkali64

  1. Granted, but you only get the censored version, while everyone else is enjoying the full GTA experience. I wish i had a copy of Gears 2.
  2. Wilderness... They are just trees... Anyway, it looks more like part of the suburbs to me.
  3. Why would anyone want to see pictures of hacked off genitals??? WHY?! You scare me Chrisman.... You really do.
  4. Snatched it from another forum. :3

  5. Why not? Unless it's not reigon locked then it should go fine.
  6. I think it sounds and looks exactly like him... Be great if you could actually work for him.
  7. Lol, sorry guys... Out shopping today. Who organised the races that got you to San Fiero?
  8. lol, thanks man.

  9. Oh... screw it then. Everone is right except for GTADon..
  10. lol, I'm not. Getting a console was probably one of the best decisions i've made... Although, i'm not suprised how many people are actaully waiting for the PC release.
  11. Not the most shocking news, and it's not going to help the inevitable controversy over it. It's all good though... (*Try not to sound like a perverted freak*)
  12. In what mission do you have to steal police bikes to succeed?
  13. haha, funny. My IT teacher plays GTA. lol, teachers... They just can't seem to get enough of it!
  14. He drove a Firetruck off a bridge and got fucked... Right?
  15. I now officially hate April Fools day. I'm going to bed...
  16. Ok then guys. Here's the story. GTAForums did their joke a week before April fools. However, we have had our April fools joke plan submitted by me since Mar 13 2008 at 04:14 PM. Way before GTAForums changed their logo. Perhaps you should ask nicely next time before you go accusing us of "stealing" their joke. But it wasn't funny... Like, at all.
  17. This is going way too far... Why can't just take no for an answer??? I take back anything nice i ever said about EA....
  18. http://www.rockstarwatch.net/news/ http://www.gtawh.com/ So what... EA actually took T2 this time!? If not then why is EA taking GTA Fansites... Oh tell me it's not so! EDIT: Turns it out it was all one big joke... The RsW Banner is normal again, GTAwh rejected said "offer" and i'm extreamley pissed off...
  19. Ratchet and clank - Tools of Destruction Best... Platformer... Ever.
  20. Fuck you with something hard and sandpapery!
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