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Everything posted by Alkali64

  1. Actually, it's only a few weeks old... Then again, theres been load of topics about what you'll do first.
  2. But it's impossible... You piss them off and they just whip out the ban hammer... Nub + "LOLOZOMGBBQ CHR1S SUKs UBEr COck FUckER!!!!11!!1" = Ban
  3. Wow, nice find man... That was great. Thanks for posting this.
  4. A bit long... But i loved that mission, so i'd give it a 4.
  5. Granted, but you have to play it on this with no XBL... I wish i had a bigger cock.
  6. Yeah, like in the other GTA's they had sentinels. And now... Wow, things are looking awesome.
  7. Awesome... Theres been a rash of fantastic new screens lately.
  8. Nice... I really like this shot. Thanks for posting this Jake.
  9. With karate i'll kick your ass... Here to tienaman square! Oh yeah motherfucker, I'm gonna kick your fuckin' deria yeaheyaeeha!
  10. WTF!? Oh, i see... Your staying... But your also going... I get it.
  11. Rick Rolling has never stopped being funny! If you look on Youtube right now it's teaming with video's claiming it's real in-game footage...
  12. You actually had me for a moment... Anyway, it's not long before we actually play this game so im not at all bothered.
  13. Granted, but your next wish has to be something cock related. I wish i had a 100" HD LCD TV in my living room...
  14. Nice. I didn't read it all... But interesting nonetheless.
  15. Lolz, reminds me of one of my first lucid dreams. I was walking to lunch with my friends once (in the dream of course) as usual, i went on ranting about "Your all part of my imagination" and their all "Er.. Okay. So i decided to freak out and kill everybody since it didn't really matter. So after severing dozens of melons, some huge looking dude tackles me and tries to get me to stop... I was like "K BYE" and woke up laughing my head off. Dreams can be fun...
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