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Everything posted by Alkali64

  1. 1, 321 on my first go!
  2. No it doesn't! How could you say that!
  3. I always end up committing suicide rather than actually getting rid of the cops! Yes, it's probably just laziness...
  4. Avatar: 9/10 - Anything made by Llama is always going to be kickass so yeah, pretty nice. Sig: 9/10 - X2 Person: Friendly guy.
  5. About same really. Sometimes you get the feeling that your life is utter balls, but then you just over it i suppose... My life is just fine at the moment.
  6. That actually sounds really good... Can't wait.
  7. Metal, mostly... Punk, thrash... Anything i can bang my head to!
  8. I like running with my dick, taking it to the beach and talking with it on the way to work.
  9. Cuban, Street and the Mr. Verccetti suit.
  10. Friday, October 17, 2031 c00l.
  11. When he was talking with that Hotdog vendor. I couldn't stop laughing.
  12. I have a 12" penis and an arse that screams sexy!
  13. Nope, fortunately... From the director of The Ring, Pirates of the Caribbean... Generally not very good films but this still has some good potential for it.
  14. http://uk.movies.ign.com/articles/813/813860p1.html This could be really sweet if it's done right. And maybe game to film adoptions haven't really been any good in the past but this could prove to be something different...
  15. 1. Vice City 2. LCS 3. GTA IV The San Andreas theme was ok... It just didn't feel cool enough.
  16. Happy birthday mate. Enjoy the cake!
  17. Lolz. Loving the fact that you do eventually send letters to your mum.
  18. And there's another religion that says the Roman's made that up aswell... So according to your logic, if i were to write a document stating that the tooth fairy exists it's automatically true?
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