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Everything posted by azn

  1. Dazza and Jace? Or like Arv said "anyone that wants to meet me
  2. There are already confirmed changes, such as physically changing vehicles your driving when nobody's looking. There should be more AI rather then just sending wave after wave of police with 9MM pistols, it actually got kind of boring because of the lack of challenges while fighting them.
  3. Well I was talking about Maurice... Julio G was cool for more then just the records he played; his radioing made it sound like an authentic radio station being broadcasted. Raymond: Wtf you on about?
  4. Og Loc is funny because his lyrics are WHACK! LOL! Truth is funny because he's a conspiracy freak Plus he needs a shower :L Tommy is cool because he's really tough and the toughest out of all CJ, Claude, Vic Vance and Toni Ciprianai (I think that's his name the guy you play as in VCS, correct me if I'm wrong)
  5. Well, they are probably going to use the same cities, except a new chapter in that city that has nothing to do with the original storyline. I guess what Rockstar are doing is fixing up mistakes in the re-built cities that were present in the original storyline.
  6. I agree with you on that... Take Halo 3 as an example...There was so many updates prior to the release that when the game was released you would pretty know much everything, apart from the main storyline of course. The last major release into the addition of GTA games was in 2004/2005 with San Andreas. If you think about it, Rockstar is bound to have finished developing the game, going through it for bugs, and all that stuff. The only thing they haven't done yet is marketing...Sure they have the official website for the game, they do advertise it in game stores (I asked a salesman at GW once when it was being released and he said April 2008) but there is just too little information about the game like Jace said. We've only got 3 trailers to watch, there are NO gameplay videos where we can get a taste of the HUD layout and how it will look like and there are unconfirmed reports circulating the internet. Give us official details, Rockstar!
  7. I was blowing up cars on the Intersection in Los Santos last night and a Greenwood approached me. I looked inside to see who was in the car and there were 4 of the same person! The black buy that always runs away when you hit him, jack him, shoot at him. He wears light blue. And i was driving around the Hospital close to CJ's house and a Greenwood was driving in mid air When I approached it it disappeared then reappeared on the ground at a red light.
  8. :L Lazlow wasn't a singer, he was a radio talk show host! We must have him back on the radio in GTAIV! No matter what!
  9. Lol, it was fun though had a tantrum
  10. When I first heard him on the radio I actually thought he was a grumpy old woman obsessed with her garden LOL! Then the woman on the radio said "Up next, the man who can grow anything BIG and STRONG! Gardening with Maurice!" It was hilarious though about the part where he talks about 'blossoming' but I heard it so many times I got bored of it.
  11. I agree with you on this one. More Safe house locations plus more variety of Safe House interior More random AI ex. not having the same 2 people in the same car or together at the same time. More interaction with the surroundings rather then just kill people, blow up cars etc More customization for the cars More realistic crashes as in End of the line Tenpenny's truck had horrible crash details when it impacted the ground More Easter eggs!
  12. azn

    Red ring of death

    Well, usually Microsoft give you a call or email (I can't really remember but I never got any) informing you that they've received your console...Then they do what they gotta do to fix it up...Then they ring you again just before they're about to send it back, and when you receive it they now give you a complimentary 1 month subscription to XBL gold. I never got ANY of this...Someone messed up my reference number and it spent over a month at Microsoft without anyone noticing...At least it arrived back on 2nd January...
  13. Yeah, he sure spiced up the radio; made me want to stay in my car more often. Maurice wasn't funny, his or her shows were boring and made me switch over to the rap station
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