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Everything posted by azn

  1. azn

    Red ring of death

    Coolio, now let's count how many days it takes for Microsoft to receive it, and send it back, shall we?
  2. What I hate is those World vision or whatever it is that keeps asking you to donate money to the needy...Sure it makes sense to help the poverty, but they could tone down on how far they go to get your spare change. I was in my car once and my dad stopped at a red light. Then this woman comes up to us and shoves this can in our window rattling it and asking us to donate...wtf? And how people keep saying "help the needy" If those people listened in class back in high school they would get an education rather then sitting on the streets every night waiting for people to help them for being homeless. Seriously, that's how I think of it.
  3. It's a forum, I have many friends there I told them about this forum because it was really good for GTA fans... Spotlight
  4. I wasn't sure so I thought I would ask you guys.
  5. There's a Mod that replaces the names of the cars with the names of the cars they are supposed to represent.
  6. GTA I - Never Played GTA II - Never Played GTA III - Yakuza Stinger GTA VC - Phoenix GTA SA - BF-400/Uranus GTA LCS - Never Played GTA VCS - Never Played Out of all of them - BF-400
  7. Los Santos FTW, theres virtually like 20 different areas in one. Ganton, the richer areas, run down areas, hilltops etc. Vice City was great also.
  8. Who thinks Lazlow will return to Liberty City's radio in IV? It's only been a 7 year difference since GTAIII and GTAIV. Will he still have the same job in IV?
  9. Well, Rockstar is famous for hiding easter eggs in their games so there's no doubt there will be more then just a couple in GTAIV.
  10. It's random post topic...Of course there's going to be spamming in it.
  11. While Raymond gets horny over me kissing my own ass
  12. Raping the President LOL!
  13. Stop making stories out of everything
  14. This isn't a story TGTAP Dollars!
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