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Status Updates posted by TNF

  1. TNF

    Lol @ the new avatar, How is you?

  2. TNF

    Lol at the gif in your sig.

  3. Lol at the sig gif.

  4. TNF

    Lol at your Personal photo.

  5. Lol hazer's comments are fail.

  6. lol you visited my profile at 1am.

  7. Lol, he even talk properly.

  8. TNF

    Lol, Rem visits your profile everyday O.O

  9. TNF

    Lol, the great wall of meh.

  10. Look out, Warner is behind Yoo!

  11. TNF

    Melbourne looks nice, and you would bump into dmac if you went there.

  12. might change my display name to 'Sudonim McFakename

  13. TNF

    Missed you too.

  14. My real name is The Night Fox.

  15. TNF

    Nice car sig.

  16. Nice leaderboard. Props to you. How are things?

  17. Nice new about me page.

  18. TNF

    Nice new sig, how's you?

  19. Nice personal photo!

  20. Nice sunglasses, you now look like a secret agent.

  21. TNF

    Nm, I just got back, eating ma lunch. :P

  22. nm, I'll be around later, tell me how it is.:D

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