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Everything posted by Chrisman

  1. I need more contestants and/or more examples.
  2. Same as Sky, I only remember your name and sig. Welcome back anyways.
  3. Yes, better, but the picture is very unclear.
  4. Remember the requirements . It's very nice though!
  5. Only 2 people trying? Should I raise the prize?
  6. I need a new sig and avatar. Sig: Main colors: Red and Black Text*: Dragon Stealths Other: A dragon is mandatory Avatar: Main colors: Ren and Black Text*: DS Other: Anything you like Prizes: Best sig: 5000$ Best avatar: 2000$ I expect HIGH quality. If all sucks no one will win the prize. *: I want one with and one without
  7. Chrisman


    How did injaculation/ejaculation get into your post?
  9. Chrisman


    Crack is unique because unlike other forms of cocaine which tend to be extremely expensive, crack comes in small and low-priced packages. In the United States, crack cocaine is often sold in small, inexpensive dosage units frequently known as a "blast" (equivalent to one hit or a dollars worth), “nickels”, “nickel rocks”, or "bumps" (referring to the price of $5.00), and also “dimes”, “dime rocks”, or "boulders" and sometimes as “twenties”,"dubs", “solids", "slabs" and “forties.” The quantity provided by such a purchase varies depending upon many factors, such as local availability. A twenty may yield a quarter gram or half gram on average, yielding 30 minutes to an hour of effect if hits are taken every few minutes. After the $20 or $40 mark, crack and powder cocaine are sold in grams or fractions of ounces. At the intermediate level, crack cocaine is sold either by weight in ounces, referred to by terms such as "eight-ball" (one-eighth of an ounce) or "quarter" and "half" respectively. In the alternate, $20 pieces of crack cocaine are aggregated in units of "fifty pack" and "hundred pack", referring to the number of pieces. At this level, the wholesale price is approximately half the street sale price. Credits to www.wikipedia.org
  10. Chrisman


    Get out of the topic 2003.
  11. Chrisman


    Discuss what's currently on CNN, or has just been on CNN.
  12. In the Big Ass Firefox Thread, many people began to go off topic. So please, talk about how much you like firefox in here.
  13. There are much more effective way to kill yourself than get hit by a train. When you get hit by a train you will traumatize the driver, and make yourself VERY unpopular to everyone traveling by train. If they HAD to commit suicide by train, I'd prefer a saturday or a sunday. Something as simple as shooting themselves in the head does not fall into their mind.
  14. 257 euro. hmm. That's 1750 Danish kroner. What's the picture quality?
  15. PLEASE SHUT UP As you can see, Thegtaplace has gotten many new members since last year. So that means that all the inactive threads may become active because of new interest.
  16. So you say no gas means; No electricity powered by water, air or nuclear power plants
  17. I forgot to mention the cost! Living on the moon would only be for the rich people.
  18. Many people think that some of the world will be colonizing the moon. Here is an explanation to why it will not happen All water on the moon is in deep craters on the poles of the moon where the sun never reaches. Where the sun is, it's over 100 degrees celsius hot. Where it doesn't reach there is -173 degrees celsius. To be outside where you live you need space suits and oxygen. The house also needs to keep out the cold, and not melt. The house you live in must be totally isolated or the oxygen will run out and you will freeze to death in the night. If you have anyhing to say against it, then please post. Don't post: "Yeah, we won't ever get to the moon", "I agree", "People that think we will colonize the moon are stupid", "lol", or "They will probably think of something"
  19. Cars will be running on hydrogen ("But hydrogen explodes" NO It does not explode). The earth wouldn't have moved to Mars(I'm not that stupid). Over population would be solved by only letting everyone have 1 child. No moon houses either. Cars won't be flying, since that would be a waste of hydrogen.
  20. Ghost will now hide behind "But I said "If so:""
  21. 800 posts. Also, I got 600k in the bank now!
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