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Everything posted by Husky

  1. Save Ivan: He thanks you ang gives you a little cash and runs. You'll see him later on in the streets of Alderney. Kill Ivan: He falls down boo-hoo and dies. andno it doesnt it autosaves for you after every mission.
  2. All of the weapons from " Screw This " is boring.
  3. Doesnt make a diffrence flatface we are still children but have grown pubes deep voice etc... so I kill women.
  4. I hope this is the Real America time. Not like that time that made me miss the GTA4 countdown.
  5. IV is a good GTA Nate10. But its a real ahem time for everyone to hate me... Dissapointment.
  6. I dare you to copy and paste this to Chris82's page " Fuk U biotch " lawl
  7. So is this game still going to continue? I'll start off. Truth or Dare.
  8. I hope the " real life act " crap (Real look , real car crashes , Falls etc) dont screw up the modifications. I wonder how they would check it so it wont screw. It'll be nice if someone made a no dirty car mod.
  9. I'm seriouse I did, lol. But Im not going to show a picture of my Johnson on the World Wide Web.
  10. I used scissors since my dad took away all of the clippers. Done. LOL.
  11. I'm not selling anything to you. I'm trying to give you some info. Probbably didnt. And no I dont think its a bug.
  12. If there's an options tab on your pause menu of the game click it. Then search for controlls if there is one. And change the controll bottons smart ass.
  13. It's you control configuration. But why use a PC keyboard for IV? Use an X-box 360 controller. Its much better.
  14. Grand Theft Auto just has too many trivia's in the whole story. (GTA 3 - IV).
  15. On GTA 3 one of the missions said that Ray Kowalski would meet Claude in Vice City. So he's dead? Hmm odd.
  16. This GTA IV for the PC thing sucks balls anyway. PC gaming has gone too old school and getting speed cards is just a waist of our preciouse money and gas . Rockstar should of just threw GTA 4 on the passed consels (sorry if my spelling is wrong my Firefox is offline) like the PS2 and X-box. So people can enjoy a new GTA on a cheap concelle.
  17. Yeah you can press cancelle when it pops up. When ever i try to download the damn update it never downloads!!!! Or when it does download it just stops at 60 - 99% bullshit. I was so pissed to see that it always stops at 99 percent.
  18. Hope ya did or passed the driving test. anywayz happy birthday and you too LoneWolf!
  19. I'll do it. Who dares me?
  20. Is it me or does this GTA IV update 1.04 not downloading on my PS3? Do you guys know the problem? Try Merceneries 2. It's a kick ass game and a good free roam. IDK if you can just fly to one part of the world on free roam though but you can play in three diferent countries.
  21. Yeah I agree. The whole Seat-Belt thing really pissed me off. The thing that is screwed up about that is when your playing MP on Cops N' Crooks the crooks hit the cops and the driver and the passengers just fly thourgh the car. Annoying. My opinion GTA LCS is shit. The game gets boring after the first 12 missions. The missions aren't interesting at all except for the gang war ^^. The game is too buggy, for example. The last mission The Sicillian Gambit. Is it me or Salvatore cant drive for shnitzle. He crashes the boat on the pier and it gets stuck. Your loaded with a mini-gun and you aim for Sal's head and shoot 1,000,000,000,000 bullets into his brain and lives. FAIL. Vice City Stories was a good game but the graphics make it look like the simpsons hit and run. Vice City was the worst in my opinion. Get shot once with a Spaz and die. Shot with a M4 once die. Shot with a Uzi die quick thats what the game is mostly about to me. Run n' and gunnig. The missions were impossible to beat.
  22. You can tell that he was lip syncing. You know that you cant sing the same song with the same voice from 20 years ago. And his lips are too slow lol.
  23. Whats really freaky that happend to me was I was sleeping in my basement with my friend(Gril). Then 2 hours later I woke up on my kitchen table. WTF? I know it sounds freaky I just dont know how I got up there unbelievable.
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