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Everything posted by Husky

  1. No i mean what do you use to take the picture?

  2. Welcome you frigging dick head.
  3. Hmm I dont know how you guys do it in Australia but in America it would costs about $60.
  4. Yes, there is on GTAF and youtube. When they actually though GTA IV was coming for the Wii.
  5. Off Topic: Okay I have this one question. If you laptop screen wiggles back and forth a little bit. Is it still in good condition? Or is my PC messed up?
  6. yeah, and its pretty cool that you get to see other camera's from off stage and the DJ's cam.
  7. Im watching it right now. Its god-damn retarded. Who the hell blenders a cheeseburger , a pack of tic-tacs , hot sauce , and a damn broom stick as a smoothie?
  8. Hey everyone that just joined.
  9. Jeffrey Martin. True or False You can get dread locks just like the grove street guy.
  10. Nope I wish, just a original GTA Fanboy. I take any mods. I even have mods on my fat PS2.
  11. Okay it looks better than the way you explain it. DOWNLOADED. but testing it on my E-Machine first
  12. My opinion on what DLC would do is use the Badger/Whiz cell phone to go to the other version , I hope...
  13. ^The trailers made it look bad ass but the game wasn't that all good. I hope L&D is longer than the original version.
  14. oh but how did you do that google thing? How did you do it your way? I liked it its funny. :)

  15. lol how was i suppost to know you just edit your post a couple of minutes ago.
  16. Welcome random new member...
  17. The Ugliest Ferrari You'll Ever See. YEAH SCREW THIS PEACE OF CRAP. I dont know what kind of car this is but its ugly.
  18. Im 14 but who gives a damn, I'll help you. Lol only 300,000 virings? rofl.
  19. As I was going to accept your friend invite, my internet decided to stop working. So as soon as I'm able to sign back in, I'll accept it. I'm thinking of going to get the Collector's edition some time this weekend, but I won't be playing it until I beat the first one. I was so close, but I can't use my damn save files. Pisses me off. EDIT: Does anyone know how to record PS3 gameplay? You want to waist about $800 on buying two Tv Tuner Card? Damn you have to buy those at Best Buy. And the only way to throw it on Youtube or on any other site is through Sony Vegas (A movie editing pro).
  20. If you guys zoom into the last picture with Johnny you can see a Colt.45 new wepons yay!
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