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Everything posted by Husky

  1. So thats why Vlad calls Nikolia Bellica a serf.
  2. Not 'till i meet someone that'll give me a boner jone and then I get rejected then meh have to watch 2 girls and a cup 32 times while masturbating
  3. I find no atraction to women or men just to get that out... Never did, lol is that normal?
  4. Fawk I was fiddleing with the poll I'll fix it.
  5. Yeah me too, I dont find a real point of being with someone.
  6. What is your relationship status? Me, I'm still single. The reason why is none of the girls in my nieghborhood are attractive. Is anyone here maried? What does it feel like to " till death do us part "
  7. Even though I am under aged to drink. But my cousins a bartender but the only thing I love in his bar is Vodka. NOT becaaus they talk about it in GTA IV. I like it better than Duff Beer.
  8. Hahahahahahaha. Rofl what a dumbass. His parents must of didnt tell him the truth.
  9. LOL His reaction is funnier than the Kermit one. " I seen a horse fuck a girl, at least it wasnt bad as this shit. ROFL. " ^^.
  10. When Dimitri Rascalove said " Your a piece of Balkan shit " Is that some kind of insult? Like Polak? Every in the game said Polack. off topic: did anyone notice in Alderney on GTA IV Online when you shoot the italian dudes they say " i'm gonna get you know you fucking polack "
  11. ROFL I masturbated when they was puking in each others mouths.
  12. Lol. I like Chris82's WAT pictures but can this pic have a black border around it and on the Bottom Right Side it says WAT? With some goofy font? I dont care what font it is I just think its funny to use. Oh and i dont think you will understand what the hell I'm going to say but here it goes. Can you like do that thing where the words are in the picture but are outside? Like sticking out of the picture is what I mean.
  13. I am using a big computer screen and I can BARELY see the quotes. And that looks like a sub-machine gun on the left. Can it like be a lil more visible? The sig is way too small , and the Glock on the right looks the same way GTA Player did my signature . (No offense mate). And your text at the top doesnt match the rest of the sig at all. I'm not a professional signature maker but I'm a mega critic to everything.
  14. " I am going to rape you up your ass " " You Cop CockSucker ". I am right cause I played the games 23 times.
  15. Wooping Peoples ass in Grand Theft Auto IV's Cops N' Crooks. I never loose. I message 'em "you got owned by a 14 year old."
  16. This is what I do to my PS3. I had it for about 7 months without returning it. Even the power button on my PS3 is busted from my mother. Anywho. - Take a straw , and blow out from the back vent. Do this every 2 weeks just like an air filter. - Keep your Playstation Next To The Window. Always keep your window cracked so some cold air can come in. - Never play your PS3 when its warm outside. (Thats how mine broke.)
  17. Okay I just watched all of the 2 Girls and One cup Reactions all over google and Youtube. So I decided to see for myself. So I'm a 14 year old going on a Porn Site. -Eh vistited them a few times with my best mates. So I search it on google and find it, and wtf. I found it funny with the two lesbians doing tit wanks. Then with that cup scene.... damn. I am never going to eat chocolate ice cream again. I didnt puke. I'm just glad I made it towards the last part. Phew that was some creepy shit.
  18. What I said North Carolina Dude didn't relate to the forum awards I meant by oh you live in North Carolina so do I
  19. You guys are such Terminator Fanboys I joke! I love them too. Who is the new terminator though?
  20. Phyuck Me Sideways Howcome I didn't here about it. anyway congrats dude!
  21. Like What? Rockstar Games are starting to bitch like George Washington Bush.
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