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Everything posted by Husky

  1. Some weapons and a bullet proof Hummer?
  2. Correct, but where after you drop him at the airport?
  3. Nope, Hernandez wasnt forced he was eager to join, as seen in the introduction on youtube.
  4. Where did Ray say where he will me Claude after the game?
  5. Correct! 1 more q. How did Officer Hernandez join Crash?
  6. Seriously, how do you remember all of this stuff! correct. which character always plays with himself?
  7. correct, What character did CJ refer to as ' old man '
  8. How much did the Jet pack cost for the army-base?
  9. NRG , PCJ-600 , Sanchez , Faggio , Pizza Boy Faggio , Freeway ,
  10. correct, you even got the secret plain too!
  11. What does the stadium say when you fly over it in a dodo plain?
  12. correct. What weapon does the FBI have in GTA3.
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