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Everything posted by Chris

  1. You need their username and not their display name, this is a known bug in IBStore, for now, you'll just have to PM the member and ask them what their username is (the name they login with). It will be in time for the next gang war. Now for anyone who is interested, the Arcade seems to be working now, although it isn't displaying who the champions of each game are, the high scores are all still there, we'll try to get this fixed soon
  2. OK I think I have got the store back to how it was now. You now earn points for posting again
  3. Fixed now. Will start doing the edits to fix this now.
  4. Excellent I haven't done any edits yet for the skin, so you probably aren't even earning money for posting at the moment, I'll sort that out in a minute I just tried the bank myself and it worked fine. So that's good.
  5. All right that's good then. The store - yes, sort of, check out the current topic - http://forums.invisionize.com/index.php?sh...729&st=1185 Starting from page 78 or 79 was when we all started trying to make this work for 2.2, it's basically djbob2, locationlohan, and myself that are working out all the fixes. If you guys could try and buy stuff from the store and let me know what happens, I can report back there saying whether stuff is working or not. Thanks. BTW any errors I will refund you from the admin panel if you lose points or whatever.
  6. I've turned off a setting that created an additional cookie for your security, it said turn it off if users have trouble staying logged in - so I have done. Let me know if it helped.
  7. Same thing happens to me sometimes, though it seems to be random. Then again I have been switching between my PC and Laptop. So it must be getting confused in the way that only computers do... It may or may not help if next time this happens, go to the actual login page - http://www.thegtaplace.com/forums/index.ph...gin&CODE=00 and be sure the Remember Me box is checked.
  8. Awesome man, good luck with whatever you may have to do. BTW I assume you meant 2007 in your first post? Moved to serious chat.
  9. As for the Arcade working, we were on version 2.5 before, so I just upgraded to 3.2 (the latest version) and now we get an IPS Driver Error. Damn these incompetent mod makers I'll let you know when we get it fixed though. In the meantime you can enjoy all the lovely new features that IPB2.2 has blessed us with.
  10. We'd need nearly 500 posts a day everyday until then. So I doubt it, unless TG187 goes on another posting spree again (it was him and Tommy Montana's combined efforts that made that day have over 1000 posts.
  11. Here's another screenshot from my nice shiny new admin panel showing the posts per day. As you can see we're only half way through today and already at 239 posts, which is good, because as long as we get over 200 per day we'll do it before new year Keep up the quality posting guys.
  12. I don't know. And I don't actually know why it's working, what I do know is that the maker of it and some other dude are working on it over at invisionize, so hopefully it will be working within the next few days. So... anybody tried rating other members on their profile? I can see this getting abused Though you could all rate n00bs 1 and such, should be a bit of a laugh before you all start rating everyone as a 1.
  13. Not on Christmas day no, but before New Years Day, it definitely WILL happen.
  14. Everyone. Yeah so we need at least 200 posts a day people. Or not, the forum will be better with quality posts, rather than flame wars. good theory, tec9, hey speak of the devil, this guy is a pretty high level of n00biature, retaliate at him lol http://www.thegtaplace.com/forums/index.ph...amp;#entry99991 Not outside the warzone though.
  15. Yep, you can also comment on other people's profiles btw, if you hadn't already noticed. Kinda gimmicky but adds a bit of fun I guess.
  16. Oh yeah nobody has lost anything. I just haven't got round to editing the new files yet, don't worry. NOTE: when viewing your own profile, e.g. mine is http://www.thegtaplace.com/forums/index.php?showuser=2 , on the left you have an option to set your gender, please don't abuse this and all say you're female when you so blatantly aren't We may one day need to use gender statistics in some random demographics, so it would be helpful if you told the truth. one exception to the rule is of course Spaz The Great, it is clear from his pictures that he has no idea what gender he is
  17. Thanks to Jason at IPS the forums have now been upgraded to 2.2. Everything should be working just fine. I know the store and gangs aren't up at the moment but I'll fix them later, as for now, you can enjoy all the new features!
  18. As you can see the upgrade has unfortunately not worked. We are getting IPS to help sort out the upgrade and fix everything. Though nothing was actually broken, but we're still on 2.1.7. I am closing this topic now, and will re open once the upgrade has taken place. Apologies for the inconvenience.
  19. I don't know, the long part is uploading all of the files, and there's loads of them. The actual upgrade script only takes a minute or so to complete. I'm actually upgrading another forum at the moment though, hence why I haven't started this at 3pm when I said I would. Probably more like 3:30 now.
  20. In the last couple of weeks Invision Power released version 2.2 of their Invision Power Board software which is what we use to run these forums. The upgrade is a fairly big one, and gives us many more awesome features. For a full description of all the new features, head over to the official IPS where you can read this post (it's quite long). It details all the lovely new features, as well as all the improved security that will help us keep out the spam bots. The one minor problem of the upgrade is that we'll be without our customised forum skin for about a week or so. Because of there being so many changes to skins in this update, I don't really have time to carry out all of them myself, though I may try later today. So until then we'll be stuck with the default skin, which isn't too bad a problem, so please don't moan about that. Any comments about the upgrade, or questions about new features or whatever can be asked here. The forums will be offline while this upgrade takes place, at approximately 4:00PM GMT today. The period we will be offline for will be around 30 minutes.
  21. Weird, I've never seen this problem, then again I haven't used VCMM for about 2 years now. What operating system are you guys running? I didn't think there were any specific requirements but maybe there are...
  22. I don't have time to dedicate to other forums, though I'm a member of so many it's unbelievable. Obviously my highest post count is found here.
  23. You could have just said what's your favourite vehicle rather than list all that in the title I'd have to say either Bullet or Turismo are my favourites.
  24. Good point. We've all been very active in the general discussion area recently, it would be great if we could mirror this activity in the GTA forums, the ones from GTA3 up anyway. Would be great to see many of you active there. In the near future, we're hoping to introduce some sort of recognition system for good members, similar to a karma system that other forums have which you may have seen. Your efforts won't go unnoticed.
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