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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Oh I got banned from Digg since my last post here, my new username there is ChrisJP.
  2. Look, I haven't added ANY downloads since this one on the 19th November. I've been too busy to go through all of them. In addition to this, unless I have time to start up San Andreas and test the save game out I usually don't bother approving, since there's already a few 100% games in our database. As for your junk mail problems, this is NOTHING to do with us, and the fact you're trying to link us to it solely because you've submitted a mod here is stupid. Unless the emails have come from an address which ends in @thegtaplace.com, we are nothing to do with it. And if they are, it means that our server has been compromised, and we will have server technicians check it out and deal with the problem. Please let me know if they are, so I can get it sorted out.
  3. You can tilt the controller horizontally and vertically, like you would a joystick I suppose. I can see that being useful for when flying aircraft, possibly driving cars/motorbikes too, I'm not sure. I also feel that if GTA was on the Wii, the controls would be pretty difficult to master.
  4. So I got mixed up with something else.
  5. That's the statement I was talking about ^
  6. SOAD FTW! Come on SOAD need more votes. I like both bands, but I've been a fan of SOAD since Toxicity and I prefer their music over Disturbed's. I'm pretty sure Spaz likes SOAD too, he'll vote for them
  7. With recent reports of a Grand Theft Auto coming to the Nintendo Wii, I was wondering what everyone here thought about the possibilty. Of course we have had no official word on it yet, other than the fact we know R* wanted to put GTA on a Nintendo, but weren't able to for various reasons. Do you think it will happen? Do you want it to happen? Would it make you more likely to buy a Wii? Let us know.
  8. I was just wondering how many people here still have a SNES... I do, and it's got seriously bad yellowing around the controller ports and the front of it, the rest of it is still the light grey colour. But the yellow makes it look really bad, and I've no idea how to get it out. Someone told me that Cif bleach can get it out, though I'm slightly skeptical of that. So anyone got any ideas? Anyone managed to successfully de-yellow grey/white goods before?
  9. Wow apart from myself and 2pac_thug nobody else here has a decent rig. Mine: Processor: IntelĀ® PentiumĀ® 4 CPU 3.00GHz (2 CPUs) Memory: 1024MB RAM Hard Drive: 364 GB Total (1x250, 1x74, 1x40) - the 40gb isn't used, its just got windows vista installation on Video Card: ATi Radeon X800 GTO2 256MB Monitor: Samsung SyncMaster 940N 19" TFT Sound Card: SoundBlaster X-Fi XtremeMusic Speakers: Creative Inspire T6060 5.1 Keyboard and Mouse: Logitech Cordless Desktop MX3000 Laser Operating System: Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 I'm thinking about getting another 1gb of ram after xmas.
  10. I had this idea after those hearing many of those amusing and strange but TRUE facts you often see in such publications as 'lads mags' like FHM and Maxim etc. FHM even have a little mini desk calendar with a fact everyday, ok so it started nearly in a year ago, in January obviously, but I only had the idea today. So here's todays fact: If you farted continuously for six years and nine months you'd produce enough gas to create the energy for an atomic bomb. So if any of you are planning on blowing up a small country this Christmas, there's your solution NO FACT whoring please, post one fact per post, you can find them all over the internet, search google or something
  11. Unfortunately you're with AOL, and so your IP address can dynamically change while your browsing causing you problems. Due to a spate of spam attacks from AOL users in the past, many of these IP addresses are banned, which is a shame, because there's about 20 or 30 unique members that have used the same IP as you (yes AOL are that bad). I have unbanned AOL IP's similar to yours so you shouldn't have any trouble now. If the spammers ever happen to come back though I'll be forced to re-ban them, and you may start getting errors again.
  12. Well you're definitely NOT an ugly bitch, and you know that. If you thought you were then you wouldn't post pics of yourself on the internet I won't go into a deep conversation of how beauty, or sexiness, is entirely subjective, but it is, that's all I'll say... I agree that because kokane has posed in her pics, whereas yours are more or less natural, she is much more likely to attract the majority of votes. IMHO I think it is kinda pointless having people vote for the sexiest female here, simply because there is only two of you. The worst you can do is come second. Perhaps next year we'll have a sufficient amount of ladies to warrant a sexiest member vote, but this year, unless you all disagree, I think we'll keep it a male only thing... ok? BTW "Seaurchin", did you want your name changed back to I just shot a bear? I got your PM but forgot to get back to you...
  13. Well we can just vote on the males then. It's just I don't want to be seen as sexist. What do you think? Kokane wouldn't mind being 'excluded' anyway...
  14. Well I've decided we're going to use Dennis' 3rd design, as it doesn't look like anyone else has something to submit, and in my opinion is the best design anyone has submitted. Thanks to all who took the time to have a go at making something.
  15. Oh ok, well post in here whenever you've chosen a new tag What games does everyone have from the Xbox Live Arcade?
  16. Wow my topic is radically changed. Nice. TEC 9 what's your gamertag?
  17. Well actually, they do, more or less. There are more people than just Sam in Rockstar you pleb, they're a multi-national corporation. They have thousands of staff, this would include a few people for assisting Brady Games, specifically Tim, who does the actual writing, with any queries and information he needs. It's quite ironic you calling people retarded. Have you read your own comments here? No? Well here's another intelligent post you made, in addition to the one quoted above: Wow, are you 12? You have the spelling AND grammar to match. None of you cockfags have even bothered to stop trading meaningless insults to realise what exactly you're talking about. You are arguing over a fictional characters age. It doesn't even matter how old he is, nor does it affect and gameplay elements or storyline. And to those accusing Trey of being Adriaan... do you actually think another GTA webmaster would be such a prick as to make multiple accounts on his friend's forum? No of course he wouldn't. Trey is just some asshat from Denver, Colorado, USA. Whereas Adriaan lives in South Africa, and no he isn't using a proxy. I was someone who helped Adriaan get known in the GTA community, he wouldn't shit all over my forums like this. Trey is one of the many (probably around 80%) pre-pubescent kids whose parent/guardian bought him a PSP so he can play games with his friends when he doesn't have schoolwork to do. They also bought him GTA LCS and VCS because he is not old enough to buy it himself, and/or doesn't have the money. They didn't bless him with maturity though, which shows in his thoughtless posts. Mind you, Dazza also takes blame here for retorting, should have taken it to the warzone earlier so you would have avoided bannage. So yeah this is the end of your little escapade, I hope you enjoyed your time here, you can bugger off back to GTAPortable now though, we don't want your sort round here.
  18. No. Not really something I want on my site, also yet another channel that needs moderators. Use the forum to chat, it's what it's for.
  19. I think's Dennis' third one is the best too, considering I suggested he change the previous one to that anyway But yeah I think we have a winner, for how everyone's badges will look, that is unless anyone else has anything to submit...
  20. You are winner. Lol. That reminds me of the "A winner is you" animation from that old Nintendo game. Seriously I think I'll need to beg Dennis to get his ass on down here to make something rawrsome.
  21. I don't think it should be banned outright, though when an animal is killed solely for its fur, i.e. you don't even eat the meat, then I frown upon that. But where an animal is killed and all parts of it are used then it's not so bad. PETA = People for the Eating of Tasty Animals - Sorry just had to bring that up P.S. This poll is looking VERY even at the moment, looks like this could go into a lot of discussion later on.
  22. Chris

    Excuse me

    Unfortunately you can't, there's no way of editing the files on a PS2 disc.
  23. Chris


    It wouldn't be that good, I don't think. I haven't seen Saw III, but 1 and 2 use virtually the same setting throughout the entire film. If they did make a game, it could not be based on one of the films it would just be so boring and would have no real dynamic gameplay elements. So I'll have to say no to this idea, I can't see it working. And yeah for scary shit you have FEAR- or more disturbing I guess, it's not scary, it just has immense gore and things that will make you jump as it's unexpected, which is actually awesome to achieve in a game.
  24. I heard in RL there are no respawn points though, so like, if you die, like, that's it, you're out, forever. On the upside though, the graphics are just amazing! Ok so if it was a Team Deathmatch, pretty much what chris82 said is also what I would think would be decent teams, with possibly Saudi Arabia joining with the Axis if they feel like it, or maybe not. Seriously, I believe, if anyone, it would be North Korea, the fact their so called tests have been publicised worldwide is a good indication that they're willing to use them. BTW I fixed the crappy grammar in your poll, and also North Korea != Korea so I fixed that too. South Korea is a decent country. BTW who voted for Japan - I haven't heard of their nuclear warheads... and AFAIK, their army is only ever active when a war involving their country is going on, at all other times their army is just training, the troops don't get themselves involved in any other wars... supposedly.
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