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Everything posted by Chris

  1. I'm sorry but this is ridiculous. It looks retarded. The text is impossible to read, it's all cartoony and immature, and what the hell is with that video music. Completely degrades this site.
  2. STATUS UPDATE: I've finished coding the award pages, see here - http://www.thegtaplace.com/forums/index.php?act=awards (ignore what's there at the moment it's just me testing stuff out) All that's left to do is make all the award images, give them all out, then make them show under avatar, then announce the winners! Any comments or feedback so far?
  3. All right, status update: I've finished coding the admin side of the award hack. Pretty easy and I was able to take some code from my gangs admin bit, so that's why I've done it pretty quickly. The hard part now is making it show under your avatars and having a page showing all of your awards...
  4. Well I'll be posting a new topic here in the announcements forum, so you'll see it on the forums main page. I can't set a date right now. I'll look around for an awards hack, if there isn't a decent one I'll code something myself. EDIT: Looks like there hasn't been a release of an awards hack since IPB 1.3 - I'll have to code my own, I'll sort of start it now...
  5. Voting has now closed. There were no ties this year. The forum is currently invisible and will remain so until we announce the winners, at which point it will be left as an archive. It may be a couple of weeks before we actually get to give you all your awards, we gotta get some stuff coded and whatnot. I'll keep you updated though.... I don't wanna be announcing winners and then a couple of weeks later randomly have some stuff appearing in your profile
  6. I wonder if he's actually gonna read this book now? Haha, let us know if it is any different than our impressions anyway.
  7. Lol. BTW is that a Sony Ericsson phone? They've got good cameras in them
  8. Also with a community that size, you don't really get to know anyone because there's always so many people posting in topics. Here many of us know each others posting habits and such and probably speak on MSN etc. Having said that, I hope to see TGTAP growing a lot this year. A bigger community would be great. Remember if there is anything you want (reasonable) then let us know by posting in this suggestions forum. I'm personally reconsidering a vehicles chat sub-forum at the moment. I've see a few topics lately regarding vehicles.
  9. I think he meant if Rockstar intentionally put it some sex minigames they would know they were going to get given the AO rating. I doubt they'll go down that route again though. The things I don't want to see is the same crap everyone else complained about: Girlfriends - way too time consuming and boring, almost pointless too. Eating - This is a ridiculous feature. Though it adds realism, it's a pain in the ass, it also creates bugs such as if you've gone without food for ages it won't let you work out, which also brings in the whole stats system, not the best of features but I can see the point of it. If eating is implemented in GTA4 they should just borrow the system used in Saints Row, where food gets added to your inventory, and you can choose to eat it whenever you need it.
  10. Yeah when you finish a game there is a PHP warning type error. Your score is still saved though, and it works fine. There shouldn't be any bugs like the one you're describing because this is the latest release I downloaded when we upgraded the forums.
  11. It's when there's already a PINNED topic right above this one on the exact same subject that bumping becomes an annoyance. Topic Closed.
  12. Good. I never really watched it, but from what others say, the first season was ok but the rest sucked. And after Marissa was killed off it just got worse. It was all pretty unrealistic anyway, I don't see how anybody could relate to any of the issues some of the characters faced. So yeah... doesn't bother me at all.
  13. There are way too many forums dedicated to just random general discussion. There's no way we could compete and get many members, I mean offtopic.com is one of the largest forums on the net, in the top 10 I believe. @TM: LANoire.net will be having it's own forums when it gets more widely known. There's not enough visitors at the moment to populate it. We're only getting 30-40 visits a day at the moment. Not many people know about the game in comparison to others. I've more or less closed my Alan Wake forums down though, since RemedyGames have an official forum, nearly everyone goes there instead.
  14. Woops, I changed something yesterday and forgot to edit permissions to what they should be. Should be all fixed now though. Let me know if there are still problems.
  15. Ok, those are cyrillic characters. You have a pirated Russian copy of the game. Though presumably you know this already as you must have downloaded it from somewhere - something which we don't condone, and you appear to be in the UK... Basically, whatever language you set it to everythings going to appear in those cyrillic characters and it will look weird. Anyway... At the main menu Options is the middle one, click that Then there will be 4 things to choose from, click the bottom one, this takes you to the language settings, they appear in this order from top to bottom: English French German Italian Spanish Since you have illegally acquired a Russian version of the game though, the options might all be different to that, I don't know, but your best bet is to follow the instructions above.
  16. It's Microsoft's Zune theme they made available to download for free a while ago - see this topic on MS Forums for links and stuff.
  17. Wow I haven't posted in here for ages. I just got a new wallpaper...
  18. Gumball3000 BTW how the hell has such a legendary thread as this become fairly inactive :/
  19. Just wondering, does anyone here ever play these games occasionally, on whatever system you may have them for? I have the GTA Classics collectors edition thingy for PS1, which has GTA1, London 1969 and GTA2. I can't actually remember the last time played it, probably last summer or something. It's kinda fun sometimes, but only for a short while. Of course GTA1 and GTA2 can be downloaded for free on the PC, so nobody has an excuse for not owning them Also on the PC is the small London 1961 add on, which was never released on any console. Can't even remember playing that myself.
  20. Yeah feel free to post all your future releases here too. Although this forum is mainly for stunting, it is the most appropriate place to post considering it's where everyone showcases their vids. I'll check the vid out later, I haven't actually seen much of your work, I think one or two of your really early vids I have seen. When I first checked your site I think you had about 6 vids up. Seems you're going great if this is your 30th!
  21. What graphics card do you have Taxistas?
  22. Chris


    Is animal sex illegal in any country? No, Holland is famous for it's incredibly lax laws- disgusting as bestiality is, I would imagine the people there would frown upon it just as any normal person would, it's just there's no strict law against it there.
  23. By principal I NEVER use cheats when playing through ANY game. For me it completely ruins the experience and defeats the entire object of the game, as absolutely no challenge is presented. I only use cheats when messing around with friends when it can make the game more fun. Also just a quick thought, does anybody know of ANY 360 or PS3 games that actually have any button cheats? I've certainly never heard of any. Not a lot people actually use them in next gen games nowadays do they. The games are now more about the actual gameplay, and stuff.
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