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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Yeah. Added fun and/or realism, plus a gangster element.
  2. This is a shout to all Graphix'ers among us. We need some badge templates making for winners of our various 2006 awards. Preferably use photoshop to make the template, there needs to be space for the member's name, and the category. Badges for 2nd and 3rd place finishers aren't needed, but feel free to make them too if you don't mind. For size guidelines, please no bigger than 150x150, and smaller than 50Kb in size Here's my first attempt, I'm really looking for many more of you to also have an attempt though, and if you know anyone who makes awesome graphics, get them over here!
  3. Billy Joe? Umm... slightly, but not really as there's no make up on him. You got any pics for us tvg?
  4. Currently underway is the picture submission for the Sexiest member award 2006. Voting will come after everyone has entered pictures of themselves. Please head over to the Sexiest Member v3.0 Picture Submission topic and post up to 3 pictures of yourself you want people to vote for you on. As for all the other awards, we'll have topics regarding them soon, in our semi-dedicated 2006 Awards Forum, so keep checking there often for progress, and be sure to get yourself noticed around the rest of the forum! Good luck!
  5. Time again for the third annual sexiest member competition, now part of the inaugural Forum Awards, taking place later this month. This topic is purely for everyone to enter the competition, by posting a maximum 3 pictures of themselves. Rules are simple: This topic is for submitting pictures only, no voting will take place here No offensive remarks Maximum of 3 pictures per person Some useful links are to the Your Piccys topics, where you may have posted pics of yourself and can get the links from your posts there: Old Piccys topic (2004-05) and New your piccys topic (2006 onwards) And FYI, last years sexiest member picture submission can be found here Currently the attachment feature of posts is broken, so if you need a reliable place to upload your photos, use Image Lodge I'll start us off my 3 pics: Remember this is for posting your pictures that you want entered into the competition, no voting here, and no offensive comments.
  6. I'd say about 75% of the members came here searching for mods, you search for any type of gta mods in google and we're nearly always on the first page Artur can you edit your first post and add a poll, then I'll edit it and add some choices and stuff. For some reason I can't add polls to other peoples posts.
  7. Ok I still don't have anyone added, Lord Voldemort whats your youtube and gamespot usernames?
  8. Something that fellow staff member chris82 said made me think about creating this topic, he said "I'd like to see TGTAP members interacting outside of the forums." Well so would I, so I think it would be good if we all listed our usernames for the various sites we are registered on, and add each other to the friends list feature that most of them have. We aren't including other GTA sites BTW, pretty pointless because they're just forums. So here I go, please layout your list in a similar way to mine, also I put links to each of my profiles for your adding ease YouTube: chrisjp88 StumbleUpon: chrisjp88 digg: ChrisJP last.fm: ChrisJP Flickr: ChrisJP88 That's actually about it, as pretty much all the other sites I'm on are either forums, or simply don't have any sort of friends list. So there we go, add me to yours, I'll accept you, and I'll browse through here regularly adding people. Go ahead and post your usernames!
  9. Way too much trouble to keep an eye on this, I'm closing it now regardless or what everyone else thinks, it was probably stupid of us leaving it open for this long. Best to keep anything that could be even slightly construed as racism off the site.
  10. I accepted your friend request Also -"I'd like to see TGTAP members interacting outside of the forums" - has given me another idea for a topic. Check out The Lounge in a little while. Also if you know someone on the forums who has an xbox get them to this topic
  11. At the end of the day it comes down to the individual and the society they've been brought up in. Not all blacks are like this, probably a minority are I would imagine. I live in an area where less than 5% of my city's population are black though, but I still think it's only a minority of blacks that are like this.
  12. No we haven't found out yet, but there were recently some server issues that were fixed, so I'll ask them if they've done anything that could have affected it.
  13. The site Ciaran links to has an Irish version of Phillips, and I've never seen it before, the site Gerard links to shows the one I've seen quite a few times before so I'll post that:
  14. Well that's more or less the same thing as this anyway.
  15. I'm not getting Saint's Row but in DOA4, sure
  16. Yeah I had this problem myself yesterday, we're investigating the cause.
  17. Welcome to the official Xbox Live Topic. This topic basically serves to inform you about Xbox Live and allow you to contact fellow GTA Place members through it. What is Xbox Live? Xbox Live is an online gaming service for the Xbox/Xbox 360 video game console created and maintained by Microsoft. It has features such as Friends lists, game matchmaking, and video chat, and costs approximately $49.99 USD per year, or £40 in England. How do I get an account? To create an Xbox Live account, you need to make an Microsoft/Windows Live Passport. This can be done by going to any website that uses this feature, such as live.xbox.com, clicking the Sign-In button, and clicking Sign-Up. Once you have a Passport, you can create an Xbox Live account. You should then use the same method on Xbox.com and again click Register now. Choose your gamertag, gamerpic, and motto. These can all be changed later at any time, but changing your gamertag will cost you a fee. You will then link your gamertag to the Live Passport you just created. After that, choose whether you want an Xbox Live Gold (paid) or Silver (free) membership. I recommend getting Silver for now, as it can be upgraded at any time. Finally choose your preferences and favorites and you have your account. Xbox Live Gold Xbox Live Gold is the meat and potatoes of the service, and I highly recommend it, as you need it to play any game on Xbox Live against other people. The price, as mentioned above, can be paid in monthly, quarterly, and yearly installments. The monthly installments are approximately $7.99 USD per month, which is about $45 more than the yearly subscription. A credit card is not required for this. You can simply go to a retailer, such as Best Buy, and then enter the code on the card in your account on Xbox.com. Gamertags: Member Gamertag Andrew91 TFFfan Busby Busby9 Chris ChrisJP88 chris82 Chris82TheKid Dave Scope PL HCK George HCK George GTA Ninja Jason932 Timmy Vermicceli DBA1 Vicehog XvSTALLIONvX Original post by Chris: Since I'm getting an Xbox 360 next week, I was wondering what everyone's gamertag's are here. So we can all add each other and "pwn" each other in games we all have. Mine is: ChrisJP88 Add me!
  18. There, I changed your topic title slightly so people understand to read the first post, which evidently some people didn't and had their posts deleted.
  19. I banned him, as well as whoever was pretending to be Neil.
  20. You sure it's just the warzone? I banned an IP very similar to yours, in fact almost the same, as it was used to register and post crap with the username "Neil Christie". Obviously if you're posting here then it isn't the same IP, though because you're with AOL, the chances are your IP got changed just before you tried to access the warzone or something.
  21. Well we can't ban you from just one forum, without the aids of 3rd party mods anyway, which we don't have for that. Are you still having trouble?
  22. You have a nice setup there 2pac_thug_4_life, I can't believe you're the only one here with a camera though. Seriously has no one else got any pics?
  23. Umm... Congrats? Have fun, lol.
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