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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Chris


    Thanks Chris, looks good. Can I just point out if anyone's wondering, please write in present tense unless you're doing pre-release stuff, in which case future tense, but I think all pre-release stuff is done? What I'll probably do is upload all this content people are doing, then once a substantial amount of it is done I'll post on the site thanking you guys for your help and support
  2. Chris


    Just in case... SA radio station logos we got from rockstar are actually currently on the artwork page http://www.thegtaplace.com/sanandreas/artwork.php VC page is actually done http://www.thegtaplace.com/vicecity/radiostations.php but yeah, GTA3 and LCS stuff is needed, thanks.
  3. Chris


    And besides you have to come back to check your leaving topic don't you?
  4. Just came across this on SitePoint forums, it's a funny site where you can generate a name like those you see on those spam viagra emails and such
  5. Chris


    Weird, I was never around when you were apparently bumping old topics and stuff so I thought you were alright, sorry to see you go then...
  6. And I have a skin from Transverse Styles on my formula 1 forum. They're pretty nice And yeah you need to get a domain, they're less than $10 if you don't know.
  7. Chris


    Ok great, you could upload it all here in a zip actually, attach it to your next post or something. NOTE: Anybody who is doing content, please spell and grammar check it, and also you can post it all in this topic if you like
  8. Chris


    I fixed the PHP error in the multiplayer page, thanks. Nice to see someone helping with content too. Is anybody else?
  9. Well yeah he just said so... Topic closed + lesson learned
  10. Oh yeah I'd like to meet mgilb in real life too. Maybe first kick his ass for trying to fuck up our community, then try to help him overcome his problems...lol
  11. Loads of those are very rarely used though. But I suppose it's good for people new to the internet.
  12. It might be easier just to stick with mine, not that I don't appreciate the efforts of others, but it seems a lot of hassle just to get it 'right'
  13. Spaz, what kind of look would you go for in the banner?
  14. All the reason to lower the price then to get more people to buy it. Honestly I think it's more down to the economy over here, well the UK mainly. It's ridiculous.
  15. Rockstar Games have finally annouced the release date for the Playsation 2 version of Liberty City Stories. That's June 6th, 2006 for North America. and 3 days later on June 9th, 2006 for Europe. Yes, European's have to pay an outrageous price for the game, almost twice that of how much it costs in the US... Take-Two Press Release
  16. BTW can I just say the reason Xtheleon is doing this is because he didn't like my main design, because he thought it was too plain. Whereas I like it because it looks cleaner and more up to date. He is a graphic designer. I am a web designer. We see things from a different perspective, he wanted to have a go at designing a 'better' banner so I said go for it.
  17. I have no imagery or artwork to use for a GTA4 design. With no idea of what the game will be like I can't make any suitable.
  18. Welcome back to the forums then You've made some nice stuff too
  19. No way. We'd be hacked everyday with that software which is frankly, SHIT. Worst CMS ever. The GTA Place is completely custom coded by me.
  20. Thanks for the pleasing comments everyone. Please read the post again for a note about cookies on the forum, you probably all got logged out.
  21. I haven't updated you with MTA news for a while now, but Deathmatch is progressing smoothly, and a spectator mode I understand has now be written for deathmatch and is working well. Deathmatch will also feature ping compensation, explained below. I've also added a mirror for MTA Race v1.1.1 in our downloads database, download it here. As well as that, I added a mirror for gtaT 0.3c, which you can download here In other MP news, GTA Rumble 0.2a has been released, apparently their 20 player stress-test went well, with any crashes occuring have been fixed, you can find download links to this at GTARumble.co.uk, remember this one is still in early beta stages so don't raise your expectations. Links: MTA Blog
  22. Lol nice try. If you want to see tons of beta screens, take a look on Gouranga, this page in particular http://www.gouranga.com/nf-screenshots-gta3-index.htm
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