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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Glad you all like it. So what's everyones favourite colour scheme?
  2. You know what? I think it's even better than those 2 uber images...
  3. I've finished redesigning now I'm closing this topic, you can leave your comments here instead.
  4. It's been needed for a very long time, and they're finally here, the new designs for The GTA Place. Made by yours truly, I have been working on these all last week, and everything is looking good. So here it is, your Easter present. All the pages should work, also we're planning on updating our outdated content in the next few weeks too so we'll be an all round better GTA resource. If you notice any bugs on any pages, or would just like to leave feedback please do so by commenting on this topic. I'd appreciate the constructive criticism as well. This is version 4.0 of The GTA Place, yes our fourth major design change, inspired by my redesign of my Alan Wake fan site. This one should be here to stay for quite some time, and we now have different styles for each GTA game, or most of them anyway. So, enjoy the new and improved website! NOTE about cookies - We had to edit the cookie settings for the forum a little bit so everyone will have been logged out, you can just login again though. This is because I wanted to personalise the site a little more, so now when logged in the main site will give you useful links to the forum on the left menu, or will display a login box if you are not logged in. The welcome back message will also be personalised as you may well have already noticed. By the way if you're seeing old stretched logo's or other weird stuff, clear your cache and temporary files, or press CTRL + F5 to hard refresh the page.
  5. Yeah but I really don't think people care what font websites use. We aren't a graphic design site, the header isn't the reason people come here, and as long as it looks like GTA then it doesn't matter. Here's the final default one to be also used on unpopular sections, and also GTA4 since there is no artwork yet.
  6. In both of them? Anyway here's the GTA3 one, I don't think there's too many colours in this one, I kinda captured the dark feeling of the game...
  7. And here's one for Vice City
  8. Wow so you've been with her since you were 16 and got married at 18. That's pretty young to make such a commitment. Nice going. [inappropriate question] So...is your wife hot? [/inappropriate question] Don't answer that ^^
  9. I just whipped this up in Photoshop. I'm thinking I might crop the right of it and remove the mountain and silhouetted chopper...
  10. I'm designing the logos right now, just wondering about the GTA characters, shall I use pictures of them from screenshots, or shall I use the cartoonish images or them from various artworks?
  11. Yeah it is getting old, that's the reason I'm redesigning all my websites to make them look more modern, and plus each section is looking like San Andreas :/ Each game's section will have it's own colour scheme, however, on each page in the right menu there will be a dropdown box, where you can choose to override the default section theme with whatever theme you like the most. Themes will be: Default | GTA4 | LCS | San Andreas | Vice City | GTA3 | Classics (including GTA Advance) I'm wondering what colours to use as default though, whether just stick with the grey? SA will be similar colours to the current layout, VC will be pink, GTA3 will be red/black, or perhaps LCS like that, Classics I was actually gonna use the grey for.. Hmm, if you have suggestions of colour schemes for a particular layout please post them here.
  12. Chris


    BUMP! Right, since I'm making a new layout, It's also time to finish some more stuff off on this list. One of the guys from GTAWIP.net supposedly wants to work here, so I'm gonna see about recruiting him.
  13. Well if you don't know about Alan Wake, go ahead and look round the site, read the About page specifically, should tell you everything you need to know. So basically it's agreed it's a nice layout but we just need bigger text? Just for the content though? because I think the small text is good for the menu.
  14. No I haven't made one for thegtaplace yet. No. Today I made a brand new layout for one of my other sites. Take a look at AlanWAKE.co.uk. What do you guys think of it? If I put this on The GTA Place, obviously with different colours for each GTA section, and different GTA images in the header of each section. You think it would look great? Or not? I think it definitely would, but I also need your opinions too, so please post your comments. Thanks guys
  15. I said a Mafia theme, across the whole of Europe. And you play as a different character at different points in the game but only, say, 3 characters in total, one of them would be female.
  16. Chris


    Welcome to the forums []LSPD[], enjoy your stay!
  17. It's been a couple of months since I've posted any mods by the amazing JVT, and since then he's released 10 more. So here they all are, in order of release date: Mercedes 500k Scania 164L 580 Scania 164L 580 V8 Tuning Mercedes-Benz CLS500 SAPD Police (pictured above) Aston Martin V8 Vantage 2003 SAPD Police Pack VC Viola II Lamborghini Murcielago Lamborghini Murcielago Shark Tuning The GTA.cz Gang Browse our downloads database for more mods for the GTA games.
  18. Hopefully if Spaz wins that trip to England to meet Emma Watson from Harry Potter than I'll go up there and meet him
  19. How many of you guys know each other in real life? I suddenly realised today that I know none of you in real life, obviously some of us talk to each other via MSN or AIM or whatever. I should be meeting up with xenon soon. We're planning on going to the same university (Southampton) so that should be cool.
  20. It's in Alpha II stage, so it's got loads of bugs, once it's in Beta stage then it will probably work reasonably well and I can start developing the gang stuff again.
  21. If you do actually buy a .tk domain then you DO own it and can set nameserver and do normal domain stuff with it. I don't know anybody that has actually bought a .tk domain thouh, apart from services in their country. Obviously with a bought one you do't have all the ads and crap like that.
  22. The new lower posting points is to encourage more legitamate posts as opposed to loads in the fun and games section. Prices of items in the sotre will also be lowered once it's fully functional to coincide with the drop.
  23. They are old but well done for finding them yourself.
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