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Everything posted by FnB

  1. umberto robina who's haitians?
  2. mafia sentinel cartel cruiser triad fish van hoods rumpo xl yakuza stinger yardie lobo diablo stallion
  3. Banned for being a trickster...
  4. As far as I'm concerned - These who play WoW, were actually playing Runescape. RS is actually crap but everybody in my school back then used to go crazy with it.
  5. Colombians, Diablos and Hoods that's it.. Also the Yardies have a red guy as well. The Triads have a red logo behind their clothes.
  6. one of them.. There are more gangs having members with red clothes.
  7. banned for having Ryder in part of his username.
  8. But they have nice clothes.. Which gang(s) wear red colored clothes?
  9. Erm... Doom was rated there because it had some disgusting screenshots, I haven't played it, besides it was a joke, I just hate DOOM (not the game) so I got confused... And WOW, I just never liked it, runescape brings back memories for me otherwise I say it sucks too.
  10. correct, would've been better if the Triads appeared themselves
  11. Which radio is automatically played on Farewell to Arms.... which I always change..
  12. The backstabbing pussies... Uptown Yardies
  13. The best song in the game.. er..... It's Like That by Run DMC.
  14. a bunch of random whores... Who is protecting the Triads leader on the mission "Spilling the Beans"?
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