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Voodoo Corpse

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Everything posted by Voodoo Corpse

  1. Oh, than how the fuck it was CJ's fault??
  2. ^No! <Hot Water Killer v Sexy female
  3. How the hell is this connected to the murder of Brian Johnson? Its only connected to CJ's mom. Or did he got a bullet too?
  4. ^After the meet they are open.
  5. 13. Was my GF and still my GF. (Im 98% sure that someone will post a negative reply about this)
  6. I know its not a male, its just easier for me to type it (i think), and Spaz, like Dark Lord, said, English is not my main language.
  7. I dont know the differences between accents in UK!
  8. Isnt Gimp's a photoshop? If not, than im not gonna buy some stuff just to do some basic stuff . . .
  9. The weapons and all that stuff are used for gang wars.
  10. W3lc0m3 t0 l33t w0rld! H3R3 Y0U W1LL L34RN T3H L33T L4NG4G3!
  11. Kane is the guy who you need to kill. IVAN means the guy who DIED.
  12. I got 666 $, cant even afford a Gigolo with it!!!
  13. Las Venturas, and you need to wait to IVAN ALEXANDROV to confirm your answer...
  14. MA NME 1$ D0LL4R3S 4 MA !!! HAMBURGES!
  15. What is the car that Cesar steals in one of the missions of Wang Cars in the city of the Triads.
  16. When im wrong, i say tnx to the internetz and i find the site i need. Cargobob?
  17. Maverick, you protect him from Hunters, i think.
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