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Everything posted by Samil

  1. Okay you didn't ask so I will: How are the Sharks dressed up?
  2. I dunno if this will help: http://rapidshare.de/files/39046039/VLA.zip.html Screenshots on http://www.gtaforums.com/index.php?showtopic=324101
  3. I found this on Google:
  4. Mine is Stinger.Yakuza Stinger.
  5. Okay ... it's a conversation between CJ and Woozie.
  6. CabMaggedon. How many houses can you buy and how much does it all cost?
  7. True. Name 4 sportcars, 3 normal cars, 2 special cars and 1 bike.
  8. I don't think anybody is trying to find anything new.I think the case is solved.Or it isn't ...
  9. RC Goblin. Where can you find a minigun?
  10. Home Invasion. Fill in the gaps: I'_ b__n_ _a__, n__ s___i_
  11. Project canceled.They will launch it on 21 october.
  12. Damn you americans are lucky.But me ... I'm in a badly effected area.Let's just hope this shit will work and we won't end.Althrough the end of the world is when God says it.And I hope he didn't say this today.Right now ... this is like a poker game.You loose and you die, you win then you survive.
  13. Name 5 locations of a hidden package.
  14. Hyman Condo and ... Vercetii estate.
  15. And if you're chased by cops you can't loose them when you pick up a bribe.And I think you don't have what to do.
  16. Angel Pine. Fill in the gaps: E_ C__s___o _e_ _i__l_ Hing: Desert
  17. I say GTA San Andreas.Reason: It's a different state and ...well ... I just like it cause I had it.
  18. Iy's the CIA and cause you didn't asked something I'll do: Name a boat, 2 cars, 3 weapons, 4 places with hidden packages and 5 plaes with rampages.
  19. A the start of Vice City, when "Vic" arrived with Lance, he had a different accent.A more latin one.And I think Lance said "That's for my brother" or something in the mission "Rub Out"
  20. $875 What do you get when you find 40 hidden packages?
  21. Near Ocean docks, on the shore. Where an you find a camera?(exept CJ Moms house)
  22. No easter eggs up here, please go away. Fill in the gaps: W__a_ I _s_ y__ n_ce__, g_ a_ay!
  23. And just to inform you, this is VC normal not VCS.So you kinda messed up things.And I think that it wasn't Vance that died in the beggining of the game.I think it was his brother Pete.
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