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Posts posted by Butters!

  1. By Now, we all know your Favourite Parts of GTA San Andreas. I want to know What your favourite Background things in the Game are like, Planes that Randomly Crash, Street Fights between Peds, Random Car Pileups, or Police Chases between Cops and Peds (They are my Favourite, I love it when you see a Rancher come past, blasting on Police who are chasing it). Whats yours?!?!?

  2. I was loading up my game, after i installed a mod, the game crashed, so i was about to replace the files(in gta3.img), but i found out that my lil bro deleted the files, so if anyone could give me these files:











    NOTE: when i re-install the game, the modded files are still in gta3.img!

    I dont think we are allowed to upload these files (Due to Copyright Laws). Go to Documents, GTA SA USERFILES and copy the file that is like thes GTASAsf1.b to a safe file. Now Unnisntall GTA SA. Now go to My Computer, HDD, Program Files, Rockstar Games, GTA San Andreas, and Delete everything in it. Now delete the GTA SA File, and the R* Games file, (ONLY DELETE R* GAMES FOLDER IF GTA SA IS THE ONLY GAME IN IT). Now Reinstall GTA SA, and Downgrade it if you had a Downgrade Patch on. Now Copy GTASAsf1.b back into GTA SA User Files and Play

  3. Okay then one last thing - Search GTA 3 in the IMG tool (Y is it called gta 3 and not gta sa?)


    Search for that - Night Night :zZZ::zZZ::zZZ:

    i imported into g max and this is it just a fan


    They look like the Lights from the Lil Probe in. I realised R* name nearly Everything in the Lil Probe in UFO or ALIEN Somthing. Just thought I would say that if you are confused about it. But Serously now, No More UFO posts.


    Maby the sand is not there because the beach is atificial, or the water Level has fallen

  4. I have loads, but I want to keep my Mini Gun cos they rock. Do you know the Entrance to Blue Hell from in Here, or can I not get there from In Area 69


  5. Ok, so I wanted some Mini Gun Ammo, so I got a Freeway and used the Vent glitch to get into are 69, only problam is now Im stuck in there. The only exit is through the Vent and there is a Blast Door, underneath the Breakable bit. Am I stuck or can I get out (without losing My Mini Gun Ammo) (I have finished Black Project, if that makes a difference

  6. I think they are supposed to have flown over to LS Airport, but struck the Big Ear by mistake and crashed, or maby where shot by Area 69 (just finished that mission today - its great)

    You see things like this all the time by Mt Chiliad

  7. In the mission, where flowers in your hair, when Zero gets off the bench and walks round the car, he gets hit by a tram and makes the noise like when a ped dies, but he is still in your car later. Also in the opening scene where CJ gets detained,and the police cruiser stops at the Railway Line, if the train is a long one, then Tenpenny drives through the middle of the train

  8. Anyway, mostly they are not ghost cars. Usually a Glendale spawns at the top of a hill, and rolls down, giving the apperance that it is rolling down the hill. Just a spawn mistake.

    The only unnacounted for thing is ther fact that some of the start attacking you, probablly just a choice R* made just to make Back O' Beond that bit creepier. The flying ones, well sorry but, they have drivers. I myself have put a Video on youtube about flying ghost cars but they do have a driver, so are technicly speaking not ghost cars. As a hunter myself I hve decided to try and put an end to some of the Myths that have been proved, to make way for the ones that still need busting:










    If you think I have missed one tell me and I will tell you if it busted or not

  9. Yeah, but he isn't the person who dumped all the Bodybags in the pit. If you watch GTA San Andreas: The Introduction (an official rocktar Video, watch it on youtube), you see to Mafia Guys digging the hole, to dump thier Old Bosses body in, and the have a Bobcat with them. Personally, I think they put him there for effect, and hunters have taken this one way to far, as there is no way to prove that he holds a secret to finding any UFOs that were not added by the player themself

  10. Hi, this is my first post in the Vice City bit and I was wandering if there is a mod that changes the interface (Wanted Level, Health, Weapons Display bit) to the one from San Andreas because I hate the Vice City one

  11. When I put the items in the right place, and try to save it says error cannot specify file Rockstar Games/GTA San Andreas/Data/Shopping.dat or somthing like that - what do i do

  12. You might have done this, but when I downloaded the IPhone, the readme said that I had to replace the file bmx.txd and bmx.dff make sure you change the right file (cellphone.txd and cellphone.dff)

    Mine works fine

  13. as you said, there is crater where its supposed to be, maybe a comet hit it?

    I dont think a comet that close to the desert would be able to hit without causeing a large scale of damage to bayside or the desert coast, even if it didnt damage the desert or bayside when it hit the water it would have caused an enormas shockwave in the sea that could have easily taken out one of the legs on gant bridge

  14. I'm stuck on the first Jizzy B mission, called Jizzy. I can do eerything up untill the part where You have to blow up the Preachers Limo. I can take out his guard, but the Pimpmobile isnt fast enough to keep with the Limmo.I havve attached the Save file bellow.First on that can finish the Jizzy mission, and post the save file back here i will give the $150 forum dollars


  15. Yeah it kind of does, but I think lots of the points have radio comuntication things there

    I just googled it - Apparently if you take a Map of the USA and place this map over it, it points to the places where many people claim to have seen UFOs

  16. It does seem likely that the island moved, because the edge is made of Concrete, and there is a big hill up to gant bridge, and the hill is only on the part of the island that is there originally, and it goes down at about the place where the island would have gone

  17. Have you guys saw those strange lights on the sky? Some of them are rockets ... some of them not.Never tried to approach one or even touch it.There are 4 kinds of light on the sky at night.I think there are 4.Also I heard that there are UFO's at the Area 69.Ever tried to wait there untill nightfall then see if something strange is happening? Well I didn't.And hey I noticed that it's like an arrow.Start from the point in the bottom, then until at the far one up.But it has to end wit the far one in right.Hope you got it casue I didn't

    I don't know waht it was, but I was flying in a Shamel at about 2:00 over the desert, And in the sky in front of me the was a gray disc shape, I didn't think of it much - I thought it was a glitch, but whatever it was I blew up when I hit it...

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