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Posts posted by Butters!

  1. well technically i think, if you own the game, you can rip the soundtracks or whatever, but you can only use them for yourself, no p2p sharing or torrent, or even burning it to a cd for a friend. then again even ripping it might be illegal because you are breaking the copyright protection or something.

    they cant stop you ripping if its a PC game

    Acctully, a lot of Microsoft Games have cookies in the files, that prevent copying them

  2. I read on the MSN Page a while back about some people in smaller bands stopped singing, untill people agreed to stop downloading music illegally, as they were not making much money, despite their amount of listeners. Do you download music ilegally


    Lol, I swear i heard this on South Park once, when Stans Band MOOP stopped playing because of illegal downlads, a poll was hel and these where the results:

    1% Said they would stop

    2% Said they would not stop

    97% Said Who the hell is MOOP?

  3. They wouldnt block ISPs: End of. Phone companies and Internet providers woud lose money, smaller compinies go bankrupt. Providers will now lower prices, to get more customeres,again, some go bankrupt. To many people usuing the same servers, causees large crashes. People don't think ahead, don't get the write packages,online trade becomes becomes scarce, supermarkets lose money. People now have to drive to Supermarkets, Co2 emmisions go up. Tax Goes Up to bail out certain stroes. Less people will post infomation, and the news companies will have to shut down, becaus eof lack of stories. Noone will know about crrent affair, Governments wont be able to rule contries as well. Fall of Politics...

    A bit farfetched, ut it really makes you think about how much we depend on the internet nowrdays.

    To be exact, the Myans said the world would end December 21st 2012. I wonder why they would make there calander go this far ahead though, as they did predict that spain would conquer them. I doubt the world will really end, but 2012 will bring some major (mostly bad) changes. If Gods real he must be realy P*ssed off that England are hosting the necxt Olympic Games...

  4. False, there are no Cities in the countryside, there are 5 TOWNS

    Q: What happens when you get 50 Oysters?


    Again,for the second time,the trivia is BUSTED! Samil,i ask from you not to post a question with gaps from a conversation in the game.Because most of us don't actually listen to the guys talking in the cutscene,or in a car.Oh,and BTW,You are a Grade A+ spammer.(no offense).

    So'ill post a question.

    Where do you stop at the finish in the mission 'Lure'?

    A:In the woods

    B:At a gas station with a 24/7

    This completey missis the point... You can't just ask a new question, just because you don't know the answer to the last question.

  5. I have found the Virus folder, hidden in my Program files, so I removed it. I don't have the virus anymore - Wooo! I havnt had the popup scince I turned my Computer on today, and it is usually going mental, so I think it is fully gone!

    Thanks Everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :clapping::clapping::lolbounce:

  6. I ran AVG last night, and it found about 2000 tracking cookies, and one Possibly Dangerous Hacking Device, so i removed them all this morning, the Obscene stuff has gone away, but the popups are still coming, trying to get me to click on them. The only problam is that I can't tell the Malware ones from the Windows ones!

  7. Okay, I have a serious Malware problam now, that has esculated from adding unwanted obscene images to my desktop, to deleting my files and making my computer have low performance. I have deleted EVERYTHING that I have installed in the past 24 hours, and have run a Norton Scan. I have been reciving pop ups saying about viruses in my PC, and I have just realised: I Don't even have Windows Defender turned on, So how can it be sending me messages? So a Few questoins:

    *removed* Is this official windows site, I think this is a problm

    Windows doesnt use the abreviation Attn! in there warning alerts?

    If a windows warning pp up apperd, sould it have a red circle with a cross in, because mine just is a black X

    Should it be saying. STOP!HALT! MALWARE DETECTED!

    How do I get rid of this virus, without doing a full destructive restart?!?!

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