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Posts posted by Butters!

  1. Its acctully called End of the Line, and I doubtt this was the easiest mission, I mean King In Exile, you don't evn have to do anything.

    Come to think of it though, Riot was painstakingly easy for one of the San Andreas Finalle, you don't even have to fight anyone!

  2. Name: Ryan Marston

    Age: 25

    Nationality: Wales, UK

    Current Location (Vice City, Las Venturas etc.): Liberty City

    Previous Occupation: Mechanic

    Attire: White Trainers, Jeans, and Black Track top

    Fighting Style: All sorts; Bocking and Kicking

    Gang: Sindacco Mafia Family

    History: After winning a Holiday to Liberty City at age 20, Ryan crashed his car, killing Several Senior Leone Members. He was framed by Salvatore Leone for the Murder of Mark Leo(A High Respected FBI Agent), and after being realesed at age 23, Ryan worked as a garage mechanic, but accidently went down the wrong ally, and wittnessed Paully Sindacco kill a man in cold blood. He had a chose: Join the Sindaccos, or be killed. He took the sensable optoin and joined. He quikly rose through the ranks and quikly became Paulies favourite, and almost replaces his son, Johnny Sindacco. After Toni Ciprianny kills Paully, Ryan swears revenge on the Leones...

  3. This might have somthing to do with it,

    I was parked at Red County, waiting for a Rancher to come past, because I needed a car with grip. After 2 mins of waiting (at approx 2am gane time) I saw a red sadeler driving recklaslly, ramming cars of the road and what not. I chased him, and got to that bridge that links Las Venturas to Red County, before he drove into the water. The drowned people in it where: That wierd man some people call Mr Hat, and one of those guys who dresses in mostly denim. I turned around, and saw Mr Hat walking back up Palimino Creek Dorection, even though he was already dead, as I had seen him drowned (There were no other Peds about.) I shot him and he died. I turned round, then looked back at the place I shot him, and I could see him walking away, and his corpse on the road. I killed him about 15 times, he respawned by his body Each time, before I got bored and followed him, but whichever way I went he went the opposite way, and he did walk into the Channel of Wter again. Spooky... I will try and recreate this and post up a video

    Also I went on that clucking Bell website, and here was no man holding his had up, That did get me thinking, Brother-Uncle could mean North West, as Males are Usually on the LEft side of the People on a Family Tree.

  4. I'll go there and post some screenshots up

    Okay, Nothing up there, but it does Give you a Brilliant Vantage point of the desert, which would prove usefull to some people. There is a small column, which looks like somthing hit it and made it break away.



    More later, I have to go

  5. Judging from the food containers, the OBVIOUS innuendo, etc. I'd say this.

    Secret Valley was a Chinese food restaurant, like burger shot or Pizza Stack in the beta, but was removed, but not fully programmed out.

    Llama has a good point. You said you had to have 100% completion, even though you are clearly still on the Firat Island. The location screenshot is town hall, by the LSPD Base, your screenshot of the acctual thing is just a black wall. So this is probably made up. Definatlly not a link to Epsilon, with the infomation you have. Thats like saying that a random tree proves that the One true religion is run by a dog, and that they are running the world. More evidence please

  6. I can't be bothered making a full new Modell, when the car I want to edit is already in the game. I just want to now how to add text, and colour to a Car modell, I try to use Z-Moddler, but the colour only shows up on the First face

  7. Sorry, it would load on my PC. Here is a Tip. Fly low, and try and get to the Sherman Damn, and fly along the River, to get to the sea. Fly into San Fierro along the main street and past mount chiliad. As soon as you get Into Angle Pine fly into level with the Corona, even if your radar bar starts going up. Once you drop the goods drop to sea level, and fly to Santa Marria Beach. Now fly along the Los Santos Inlet, into Flint Water and Back down The Sherman River thing. Now land in Verdent Meadows. I cant help any more than that - It wouldnt start on my game

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