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Everything posted by Scott.

  1. I used to smoke about a pack a day, but I realised it was stupid and the girls didn't like the smell lol.
  2. Scott.

    Xbox 360 Or PS3

    As the song said:- Killzone 1 sucked before so why did you think that we want more? Haha, cheers for the replies though
  3. Good cheers you?

  4. I want a 360 so bad I can't stop looking at them everyday lol.
  5. ps3s fucking suck, why cant all models support it, the 20gb even does why not 40gb, sony are worse then MS Agree. Lol. I know I am gunna be slated for what I'm about to say but really when I first played on a PS3 on holiday, apart from the graphics, it isn't that different to the PS2.
  6. Pretty sad as I have rubbish games : 1. GTA San Andreas 2. GTA Vice City 3. GTA Vice City Stories 4. Killzone (although it does suck) 4. GTAIII
  7. Could I have Scott. and Fiore Family Mafia please Scott in the top left and Fiore Family Mafia in the bottom right please Could I have it in blue also please? Cheers dude.
  8. Hey Tox me old buddy, could you do me a sig with the sexyest pics you can find of Kelly Brook? Cheers if you can.
  9. FUCK THE WORLD! Hello my old friend!! How are you doing?

  10. Scott.

    Xbox 360 Or PS3

    I just played a 360 at a gaming shop, they look fucking amazing! Decided I will save up for one, and Xbox Live . See you there
  11. Hi mate, yeaah its a good phone, I've had it for about 2 years, and it's all I will ever need!

  12. Yeah, go on youtube and search GTAIV. I did last night and found a lot of vids.
  13. Scott.

    Xbox 360 Or PS3

    Cheers for the reply dude.
  14. Scott.

    Xbox 360 Or PS3

    So, Its my birthday soon, and hopefully I'm gunna get a lot of money. I already have a job that pays a good wage. I've got £50 at the moment for it. In a months time I should have about £100. My birthday is also in a month where I hope to get around £50-100. Now to the point, I can't make the decision what I would rather buy...XBOX360 or PS3? Could you guide me?
  15. Yup, so here I am in school, during Business Studies.. revision is gooooood ha.
  16. Ahh, I remember this mission well, I remember being stuck on this for absoulutely ages! I couldn't figure it out. But then it hit me and I used the Bulletproof patriot. Works every time.
  17. I get that when I go around the place with my mates. Just because we walk around in big groups makes us look intimidating and therefore "Yobs", which we certainly are not. We like to have a good time, but we never cause any trouble with anyone. However, we get called yobs! Typical stereotypical people if you ask me.
  18. Sweeet, Absolute fuck all tbh, ha, school shit meh.

  19. TOMMY . He will kick everyones butt!
  20. In Business studies listenin to some tunes yeah boi!
  21. Hey Nate Wsup!

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