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Everything posted by maccer

  1. rpg n the roof of building with radio tower in Downtown mac 10 Behind the last trailer in Angel Pine sniper-On the roof of the middle tower at the Glen Park hospital where can u fid the night vision goggles
  2. yes it would be a great thing to have
  3. 12 im not asking a question as i am not sure if its right
  4. so any1 found anything new yet??? yay 50 posts im a pickpocket lol
  5. was it patrick stewart that is the only star trek character i know
  6. Behind the wall of the train station where the Lowrider competitions are held. In Las Colinas on a brick patio next to the area with trailer houses On the roof of the Motel during the REUNITING THE FAMILIEs mission. In backyard of house across the Golf Club entrance Behind the Pay n Spray in El Quebrados At the Starfish Casino parking structure at the top floor where can u find the normal rifle??
  7. hasnt that queston allready been posted like 4 times lol
  8. thanks claude it worked but i forgot about shooting the floor for solid ground and fell and fell and fell till i got bored and turned my ps2 off lol
  9. on the lemmings glitch its so funny didnt r* make lemmings
  10. i tried like 16 times the only way i can do it is through the jetpack on the mission saint marks bistro
  11. to find out what the guards on the train dont want u to get the most and steal it really easy mission how many territories can u take over in los santos
  12. butters aint doing a question so i will how many searchlights is their in the mission back project?
  13. yes 153 when i took them over it took me 3 days real time to take them all over
  14. ok thanks but the youtube vid is ps2 and he sais he hasnt hacked or gamesharked his sa???
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