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Everything posted by Oskar

  1. Oskar

    Ford and Chevy

    never seen a chevy n england ... or in poland... <<< yesi come from poland
  2. numba 2 at the top line of ( you know 1-! 2-@ 3-# )
  3. A few hours ago i was playing MTA - SA and i realised it got boring because we couldn't fight eachother do you think MTA team will set a deathmatch one too? because you can only race in the first one.
  4. thanks!! i figured it out... i put the forward dance on T. Zino didn't take all the credit!
  5. tried that yesterday didnt work... anyways i can't run the game because i need the original rocketla.dff and rocketla.txd
  6. sorry... anyways it is the PC version. i have the landing gear set on 2. what part of the dance? the one that goes up dwn left or right?
  7. How the f- do i move the HOVERS of the hydra.
  8. 1. YES I DO 2. everything works fine NOW.... EXCEPT SOUND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. it's in all buildings ts PC V 1.0 al Textures ( mods ) everything cheacked TRIPLE TIMES. keeps on freezing when i shoot... yeah... my cheat count is 16302 maybe something relavent to that
  10. F*CK YOU Rock SH*T my game keeps on freezing... i'm exiting a building and suddenly /\/\/\______________ and then i have to lose all the stuff i was doing F*CK AND
  11. Oskar


    I need the ORIGINAL hunter .dff If you can put it up here - In a .zip or .rar - i will be grateful. -A gun in your Face.
  12. Has anyone got the original PolRanger Handling.cfg line? if you do please post it here cos i lost mine somewhere.... To get the CFG go to Program files\Rockstar Games\San Andreas\Data\Handling.cfg then vvvv Handling.cfg into Handling.txt then search for Polranger and then cpy the entire line and then post it on this topic!!
  13. what ever 1. gently caress you... ( its to de shit ) 2. you forgot to say its round 3. 50 million projext is in Vice City 4. NO ALIENS IN SA oh yh soz for double post
  14. pull over and press Y and go to a isolated place and then have fun.... in a wierd way....
  15. NOOOOOOOOOO! i was doing a fun game when by accident i OVER WRITED MY MAIN SAVE FILE!! cry.gif
  16. i want the cop!! the cop!! and tthat bvrown one lol. and tha merc!! send the txd and dff to this email [email protected] in a noobie way Omfg Th0S3 CoRS AR3 AVV3S0M3 They Ar3 T0ta11I 1337!OVVZ0RS!
  17. did you mention what i typed here? yea you can get six stars easily by typing bringiton or killing every police u see in site ( aezakmi MUST be disabled) For the train mission always stay ahead of the train and far most right ( well not on the shore like the edge of the right handside rail)
  18. ty i uswed a buffalo.... Q#019- how many game hours of shooting does it take to take a gun to hitman? ( i usually cheat but now i wanna see how he fires the guns without using any cheats and get it to hitman level)
  19. lol what if you have six stars and by accident you fall down from a building? plenty people fire at you.Or you get attacked by a whole lot of guys which have SMG's AK45's Chromed shotgun and fire at you and they dont miss.... around 10 seconds life...because they will blow you car up like hell. Also if your tired wasting money on the ammo just type the cheat fullclip (infinite ammo no reload). same as them guys who fire at you. P.S. if you wanna do the 'House Party' mission quickly and well. Just crouch target and do a hell lot of tumbles meaning Bang>Tumble>Bang>Tumble>Bang etc. you can always do that any time. Works best with the M4. because it is stron and i have the feeling you are unbeatable when doing it. If you want to try it type the cheat aezakmi ( never Wanted) and start skilling Balla, Vagos etc. etc. as they always come in groups and fire at you.
  20. use the cheat 'Baguvix' for infinite life. i found some atr some staircase somewhere....
  21. i own using fast cars!! if you want i can use your save file and do it.. is ( catalina's ) buffalo a terrain car?
  22. Yes i used the buffalo!!! and i won! now i need help doing that gas station in dillimore and liquor store in blubarry
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