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Everything posted by rockstarrem

  1. Poets of the Fall huh? Nice dude, they made the Max Payne 2 song you hear throughout the game (not the composed instrumental), the other one. It's called Late Goodbye.
  2. Lol so they're giving out a program to the public and advise them to not download it even though its in the final stage?
  3. ...what? The server wouldn't be up if there would be a virus or whatever in it, GTANet would lose it's name...
  4. The server browser should come up unless the master server is down (and knowing the "MP" team it probably is) so yeah, try and use an alternate server method like http://game-monitor.com/ and search for a server then add it to your favorites, double click, and go in. I don't know if it supports Vice City MP though. Worth a shot.
  5. Yeah that's fucked up, how'd you kill it? Did it get away?
  6. ROFL, alright say this, don't block him: Alright baby fine, but only if I can wear a suit with a kangaroo pouch where my PENIS is.
  7. I don't think the game said she was "fat" (I didn't read the whole article, but it seems they make it seem harsher then it is), it probably just showed her her true self... slim the fuck down it's saying. Don't go anorexic like some of the girls I know but slim down a bit. I shouldn't be talking though...
  8. Honestly guys, it looks like the Striker Shotgun from Max Payne 2. The gun could have various names, but here: http://faqs.ign.com/articles/502/502939p1.html#2a
  9. I've only heard Tesla the band . Now I see why they're first album is called Mechanical Renaissance.
  10. I lol'd at the last comment. Fuk U biotch

  11. Lol if she finds out your on this forum you're gonna get spanked etc. She realizes that it just pisses you off more and makes you want to do this shit more to piss her off right?
  12. Yeah haha, alright thanks. We may try it.
  13. 3GB it will have, it would be my uncles.
  14. Just wondering, could a 8600 with a T5800 processor be able to run it (it's a laptop)?
  15. I don't think he added it to the game though, considering the end of his post:
  16. Try plugging the Xbox directly into the modem, I know its a pain in the ass but see if it works. Once you can tell plug everything back in and tell us.
  17. Dude sorry for tonight (or last night in your case) my internet literally died, I tried fixing it, it just needed to be unplugged for a while.

  18. Nice URL, I shall not click.
  19. Yeah :P. From a year or so ago I think. Maybe 2 I don't know.

  20. hay chris wuz wundering if i cud be admin plz respond thx

  21. Still, they should make it open source. Doesn't matter. That way they can focus on developing MTA: SA and the people that want a non buggy version of MTA 0.5 can continue to make it. I don't see why they don't do it. I signed it.
  22. This may help you guys: http://www.thegtaplace.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=20990
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