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Everything posted by rockstarrem

  1. Nah I don't think you get it - for example, this is just an example, if I asked a girl out in my school which would NEVER happen as I'd either be classified as a pedophile or a faggot and got rejected I probably wouldn't leave my house at all, not even to go to school. Right now I don't leave the house unless I really have to or feel safe with a hoodie on (seriously, I pull my hood up wherever I go now and I feel better). There was one girl that was obsessed with me back in '07 but God she was the most disgusting thing on the planet. Shows how attractive I am. I think that actually had a lot to do with me leaving. She always was near me and shit and I couldn't not be nice because I didn't want to be rejected by her, but I also didn't want the school to think we were going out. The first day of school she came to my fucking house. Jesus Christ.
  2. No because I can't take rejection of any sorts without flipping out. Online rejection is lulzy though but that's it.
  3. Well if you say "I love you" to an ex then you're either a. stalking her b. can't get over her or c. just weird . I've been single my entire life and know that . But yeah there's really only one girl I could never get over in all of my "crushes" I guess you could say. I'm too fat and ugly etc though.
  4. Well it would really depend on the person. The respect/trust level. One of my problems is that I trust people way too easily. If I don't trust you then you've got a trust issue yourself.
  5. I "love" people way too easily actually.
  6. Also I just saw your sig. You're forgiven for now.

  7. You fucking cock sucking motherfucker. You weren't on MSN ALL DAY. Stop being like me and actually go on. Fucker.

  8. Rofl dude they told me about EVERYTHING you did last night. Sick fuck.

  9. Yeah, but when I was younger this was the weirdest thing, after every nightmare I saw myself sleeping in my bed from top view (like GTA Classic) and this weird fast music playing then I just jumped up. After every nightmare this happened.
  10. Yeah and they're set on "very high" (unless that's just benchmarks I don't know, don't have the PC version. Just babelfished the pic etc.)
  11. I actually thought that game was pretty good.
  12. Heh I guess sometimes that does happen but afterwards they've always apologized to me (friends).
  13. lolwut? Sarah Silverman? You mean Sarah Connor Chronicles? It's a TV show. Rofl, you got the doctors name mixed up with the mothers name. That's awesome.
  14. In the last movies yes but since there are different machines in this one it looks like they're going to be different.
  15. HAHAHAHA I ROFL'D. Sorry that's just fucking awesome.
  16. I think you guys need to look into what the "period" does. I really shouldn't say this, because it's like, extremely personal, but my autistic sister (can't communicate at all) is going through it right now at the age of 10. She looks really really sick every day and it's because of that. You guys that are saying "omg get over it" are being ridiculous... it's something all women have to go through each month. Obviously you guys are taking it way to lightly.
  17. Lol I thought this was a new topic made by some idiot asking if he was like Santa Clause or some shit.
  18. I'm thinking neutral. How about a train station?

  19. Hello Chris dude. :] Want to meet up for casual sex? y/n

  20. I almost died etc. Other then that I got Super Mod exactly on New Years so I guess that's a highlight .
  21. Lulz another like 14 hours here but happy new years to all you guys.
  22. LOLWUT? Most hated games? It's one of the best selling FPS's of all time, online at least. Maybe you hate it, but I think it's pretty awesome. It's so basic - that's what's great about it.
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