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Everything posted by rockstarrem

  1. That's why we're both assholes!
  2. You would need to find a no-cd crack. If you have a legal copy of the game it is legal to use a no-cd crack, at least over here. However, I cannot link you to anything but http://google.com/ and give you a clue to type in gta 3 no cd crack. You replace the exe with the old one and it should run without the disk. You seem like you legally obtained it, at least to me, so you seem legit, but I can't directly link you. Use the instructions above. I'm going to close this as people are going to rant etc.
  3. Single and have been for my whole life.
  4. .. Then wouldn't that mean you have an LG? .. Yes? People always put models and shit after though.
  5. Wow I completely forgot about my phone, keys, and guitar picks.
  6. Alright, obviously Chris and I love the Terminator series etc (by the way I just have that link in my sig because it's roarsome it's completely his site) and I'm wondering what everyone thinks. I just found out that James Cameron is actually directed it (he directed T1 and T2, he did not direct T3 but the movie fit in with the story well anyway. The Terminator series are my favorite movies of all time - Terminator 2: Judgement Day IS my favorite movie of all time. The same writers from Terminator 3 are writing the screenplay for this movie but I'm a little bit concerned. In T2 and T3 the machines in the future are MUCH different. Don't get me wrong, these ones are fucking cool but they're not the same. I don't like it when they change. Also, in the trailer John Connor and his butt buddy or whoever he is are riding these fucking big ass realistic motorcycles or some shit. That kinda turned me off as well. Basically what I'm asking is what do you think guys? For the people that have seen the other three, what do you think about the changes? For just people that haven't, what do you think?
  7. Nah, CSS is better than CS, considering CSS has better graphics and gameplay than CS, more maps, and more players, etc. It was a joke look at the video. He just fucked up his wording.
  8. You guys really live in some beautiful areas! The architecture is much different. Here's the quickest one I could find on Google Images, it's Boston. It's right next to my town so it's like a 10-20 minute drive to get there. My immediate town wouldn't have any good pics.
  9. Nice dude, a Christmasish birthday, double the shit! Glad you enjoyed it.
  10. Not like World of Warcraft. Once you buy it you buy it.
  11. I got a Paul Reed Smith C24, all black. It looks like this but has 24 frets instead of 22 which is awesome etc. I'm getting tired of posting this in like 5 topics.
  12. Scientist once believed that an atomic bomb would destroy our atmosphere and that was disproven...so does that mean science is wrong since one thing was disproven? EDIT: Since it's the Holiday season. Who here celebrates Christmas? Like, I read over this topic cause chris82 told me to and this is actually pretty lulzy. Not just this post (not singling you out AT ALL) but in general. I quoted you because here's my response: If one thing is wrong in the bible, it's pretty much like all things are wrong in the bible. Unless some things are meant to be uhh what the fuck is that poetry/literature word... hold on... metaphorical, which some of the bible is, then that's different. I'd need to know the exact example you're taking from the bible to see if it's metaphorical... I couldn't judge it obviously but an analyst could. That still wouldn't prove shit. Honestly, from what I believe, if one thing is wrong in the bible, everything is wrong in the bible. It just seems like it was created for people to lead a non harmful life by creating these concequences by God. That just makes the most sense to me, just my opinion. I'm going to hell x2 for writing this all on Christmas day. Merry Christmas etc.
  13. I can't test if it works on everyones computer but if someone can confirm it does and doesn't have any viruses then upload it to our database, you should get a shit ton of hits etc.
  14. Damn, that's awesome. Can't believe he already did that.
  15. Ah I see, that's pretty roarsome though, I have like ten dollars or whatever the fuck they're called over there in Canadian money. I don't carry anything unless I'm carrying money, then I bring my wallet. I carried a condom before but just used em on masturbating etc since they were lubed. Never gonna happen for a while anyway .
  16. Out of all the guys on this forum, wheres your condom? :/ Also why the fuck do you have canadian money?
  17. I was kidding . I know this is in Serious Chat, shouldn't of, won't do it again.

  19. Yes much more, look around it. It's basically the same but upgraded.
  20. I get blue balls occasionally but that's from masturbating too much. I don't complain about it though, etc.
  21. The name out of Chris JP fans? Lol fuck you, that's staying etc.
  22. Yes, it did. http://www.imagelodge.net/imgs/rockstarrem/1_logoo9z.png
  23. I can't believe they did this... so people can illegally go out and rent a game and just pop it in and copy it to their HDD without modding it?
  24. The 360 lets you install games to the hard drive? Since when?
  25. Lol I don't even know what phone I have, all I know is it's a Verizon Wireless with unlimited everything and it says LG on it.
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