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Everything posted by Pandora

  1. Yeah Now everything is a little over my budged, but the hell with it. I'll try to get it all anyways. The CPU will probably be a Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 2.4 GHz. Now 2.4 sounds quite little compared to the Pentium 4. Now I do know it's better then a Pentium 2, and you yourself callen things "with the name pentium" (should be avoided) crap. But how much GHz would a Pentium 4 need to standup to a 2.4 GHz Duo Core. It's just to get an idea of it for myself. I'll post a pic of the full list of parts, as soon as I found the link to it.
  2. The goverment supports gay party's, maybe even organises them themselves. Something they are NOT supposed to do. You never hear anything about straight people in the news.. And yes, being straight doesn't mean you won't do every girl with nice legs and breasts. It's stupid people get the idea it's suddenly different for people who are gay. Actually school isn't suppossed to influence you in any way about sex and all stuf related. You're suppossed to make your own desicions and way of thinking about these type of things. At least.. That's what I think.
  3. Hope my San Andreas Storyline Screenshot's will help And the table code is nice. Jared used it but I never knew how to do it. I'll update my shop then Nice
  4. I'm actually against what theachers do here. Here they say try it and see what you like. At least some said that. In my eyes the normal is just Straight. And there is a small chance you are gay, and if you are, you'll realise that yourself. Not just trying and see if you like it, that's perverting peoples mindes. The Netherlands are strongly trying to let gay people be treated like all other people. But I think it's the very fact the goverment put's so much attention to it that it fails. I don't mean this to be offensive, but seeing to men on street kissing eachother all over isn't the same as a man and a women doing to the same. You'll be amazed how many times gay people are in the news. If they just didn't do that it would probably be way better for people who are gay.
  5. Not as exiting news as the GTA IV trailer, but nince anyway. Don't think I'll ever get to play it though. I don't have a psp and not planing to get one either, same for the ps2.
  6. There was no motion sensing Just natural movements that get auto created everytime.
  7. Already posted that. Here edit: while looking for a power suply I keep seeing this: 20 and 24 pins, 20 pins or 24 pins. and then still stuff like 500 watt 500 watt PFC 500 watt activePFC So what would I need? Edit 2: Will this do. I'll have the 700 Watt version, cause the 850 is just to expensive and not needed.
  8. G-card: nVidia Geforce 8800 GTS 640 MB from Asus 375 Euro Vista Ultimate upgrade 330 Euro PC Case: See above: 65 Euro Asus P5N-E SLI Motherboard. With a nVidia nForce 680i SLI chipset. 1333 MHz Here's a full page about it's specs. 113 Euro I'm still busy choosing other parts. Also, I just choose this Motherboard, so what makes a good motherboard. I truely don't have a clue. All I did was look if it's SLI compatible and at the amount of MHz. And what the hell is PCI. I see it everywhere but don't know what it is. Edit: It took some time getting all this so I didn't see your post Chris 82. I'll try to find some Power Suply now. Could you please rate all the parts above (The MoBo and G-card)
  9. I haven't bought anything so far. I'm marking everything I won't, then I'll see if it's within my budget. After that I can buy all at ones from a Dutch online PC shop. Edit: and I'm actually waiting to go through everything on my list of parts by someone who already has done this. Don't won't to spend money on the wrong stuff.
  10. GTA III had 3 main games (LC, Vice and SA) maybe GTA IV will have 4 main games.. Just a little sugestion.
  11. it's Veni And I reached 2700
  12. That sounded extreemly childish... Just drop it. I don't really think there's anything special to the 4, it's just a new serie in my eyes. A full new story. And I truly hope there will be more then 4 city's. 4 would be a waste of the potential for the 360 and ps3.
  13. It should be under 1500 Euro (1900 USD) and I'd prefer it under 1200 Euro (1550 USD). But have you actually ever built your own PC?
  14. Occasionaly, yes. But a rap songs starts to bore quite quick though. After some time your just sick of it.
  15. Doesn't really have performance, exept for space and those fans. Before I go any further I'll have to see what Chris82 thinks of it. Then when I have a list of all the parts, I'll have to hope it's within my budget.
  16. They are already developing engines to work on hydrogen... Just to let you guys know.
  17. That's quite weird. How could they have missed that out. I'm trying to get Ultimate to. But I just can't afford 650 USD for it, so I'll buy an upgrade instead. What's only 410 USD. But I'll be using a copy XP that has already been installed once, I hope it works...
  18. I'm not sure, I've read somewhere that the 8800 serie uses alot of power. Just forgot how much. So how can I know how much my PC is going to use? Edit: I've got picture of the PC case. Think this one is good and has enough space? So what do expansion slots do? I mean, Expanding what?Here is a link to the site. The specs are found right at the end of the page.
  19. I had that Vista style for XP but it somehow got f***ed up after 2 to 3 weeks. Now it shows the Classic style if I select Vista style. BTW, the beta tests, which version are they. Business or Ultimate, or even Home Premium?
  20. Woohooo. Just 27 days and we can get a quite clear view of how the game looks and stuff. Surely great news.. A lot of news about gta IV last days. Hope they don't rush it though, rather have a delay then a game with lots of bugs.
  21. First sign here that I (Jace) am not responsible anything caused by you and/or your action's. That includes making anyone pregnant or getting into a fight with someone, even if you are under influence of alchohol.
  22. F' her! Now. *holds pistol to Rashon's head* I'm going to attack the law with the people who protect it.Wahahahahaaa
  23. I never knew CS3 was already released. Ok, I'd like a screenshot of CS3 and some a graphic of some random stuff that's new to CS3
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