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Everything posted by Pandora

  1. We're going to party, get drunk and
  2. It has already been announced that it will use the Rage engine. That's the same one used for Table Tennis.
  3. Let's party, get drunk and get kids use protection. Or pull out just before if you want to risk. Who's with me!
  4. Well, I've been searching and can't find anything else than ATX. I'll post the one I'm thinking of getting. Now I'm also planing to get a nVidia Geforce 8800 GTS (640 mb), the version of MSI. And offcourse a real good CPU. I think a duo core, but if it's with in my budget a quad core. Would 500 Watt be enough?
  5. Rage in the main game engine. And Euphoria is a type of plug-in to the game. That is if I didn't misunderstand anything.
  6. People spam this place with a convo. I'm feeling lonely
  7. This topic is mainly for Chris82 and all other people who have built there own PC once and are willing to help me out. Considering I'm a real newbie to this, I'll need quite an ammount of help. First of all, I offcourse already have a full clear tutorial about actually building it, but I'm sure to run into some problems. First of all I've to choose a PC case. So what should I mainly look for when trying to find one? Then I mean, what should the PC case have. Also, how can I know what type of power suply my PC would need?
  8. That's why I posted that 2.6 one that is way better than a pentium 4 with 3.4 or whatever.. I guess cache also means alot to the specs.
  9. Then they've already developed the game. Can't cost that much to convert it to PC I think. A reasonalbe price for "the" content (if it are mission's that is, with maybe a add-on vehicle) would be something like 5-10$. Not to expensive, just a little small add-on for some extra gaming hours.
  10. Fsim X is an exeption. Wich other game uses 14 gig and has 1gig memory as minimum I just can't show my desktop, it's...imbarrasing. My background is... I can't say it. It's... wel yeah imbarrasing. And I think we should use the other topic. The official one by Chris. Which one you ask? Well this one Someone merge all these posts into that topic. Please
  11. I'm having some space probs to. I only have 80 gigs left, so I'm trying to get rid of files I don't need. I'll get a pic of my desktop. Hasn't really changed alot, and I'm using the standard XP thing as background.
  12. Must be fun if they use this for all the shooting stuff. And it will be fun to throw someone down the stares to, you'l see them fall like a rag-doll
  13. I'm trying to figure out how to build my own PC. Probably, I'll now (if I continue with actually building one) end up with a way better PC then if I bought a ready made one. Thanks Chris82
  14. Cool, I'll get the code of that 777 addict thing. And if you ever need more space I can edit this post with the userbars to fit it
  15. Just tell me, what would be bad in having a BIG add-on or what ever it is. It will mean you can do MORE, what's a good thing.
  16. Usually, bigger in a game is better. I'd love to see add-on mission's. But a little island would be cool to. I hope it won't ONLY be player skins or vehicles. Cause in that case most of us, including me, will be having far to high hopes for it. But it's a extra, just to keep you busy with the game after you've beaten it. Every news feed makes the game sound even better.
  17. I agree, only damn little on it. Just 5 things And 3 gig is actually quite little. I though Vista was 15 gig in total, so the installer would be like 10 gig.
  18. That's quite far away.. But on the other hand just 2 months after the release if it's starting begin 2008. Just to take away confusion. That content is like sub mission's right? Like the missions of Heist in San Andreas, or that stuff of Zero.
  19. The hell with it. He was trying to show Vista more then anything else. BTW, your avatar link is broken Jared.
  20. Or just use the tags. And save .png Has good quility and is way smaller than bitmaps. edit: @ Jared: I thought BETA doesn't work anymore.
  21. Why do I sound like max pain? Now I'm eating a pancake I like pancakes and they're soft.
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