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Everything posted by Pandora

  1. Wii sports is fun, but TLP is just awesome. Probably the best game I've ever played.
  2. @TM: And how'd you find it? And which game?
  3. Did I....

    you know ;)

  4. Now for real, the person making post 10 000 will win a fairly high amount of cash. And I won't make it, promis.
  5. Oh, kk. I get it. I was thinking about a Geforce 6300 and was like "WTF, usb cable for your GFX card?" I'm not really into mobiles, but it looks good.
  6. So I HAD to go the bed at 12PM. And when the sun was rising I STILL hadn't fallen asleep yet. Last night sucked... I only fell asleep when I actually wanted to wake up.
  7. Call me stupid, but I never heard Lazlow on San Andreas. Is he on WCTR? I've got Chatterbox and Vrock on my iPod. Just to lol while I'm going to school.
  8. Good. I prefer the first one. Oh, and your sig. Change your into you're. Now it says that you posses death Just a remark, no insult intended.
  9. Nekked, nekked, nekked, nekked! Kan joo pust moar? You want to fuc- Oskrap's (good name ps3player I secretly lol'd when you said that) sis? Yeah, well. I'd want too... I'll rapidshare them if you want.
  10. Then I guess I misunderstood the term homophobia. Didn't know it also covered general dislike as exception to the normal meaning of 'phobia'. What pisses me of now? Well, the boredom. I really have no idea what to do and I'm stuck in TLP.. must... resist... walkthrough...
  11. One thing. Its as if everyone who 'hates' gays is a homophobe. Well y'know, there actually people out there who are 100% straight and still dislike gay people. Doesn't mean they're homophobe, it just means they dislike them. Saying that because virtually everyone who dislikes them is straight away seen as homophobe and that doesn't really make sense. Oskar, he pisses me off. @Gerard: It's mainly a way of talking.. shouldn't take those things personal.
  12. again. It's mainly something to piss Oskar off. Other then that. I just won 20k from myself. YEAH!
  13. 4K, here it is! For all of you who don't know. Those are some of the pics of Oskar's sis I and Chrisman payed 15k each for.
  14. The challenge is getting post 4000 btw, not reply 4000.
  15. Yo mamma is so fat, that your father uses his whole head to rub her clit.
  16. It's open dude..

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