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Everything posted by Pandora

  1. Stick Warfare theme (some internet flash game where I recorded the music of)
  2. Uhm Silberio... You don't have enough money to buy that...
  3. It's locked for the 4k. I don't want to miss it :P

    I'm fine. Back now for 2 days. The hotel was absolutely awesome and so was the sea(Caribean sea). I'll be uploading a few pics to Chris photography topic when I've transferred them to my computer.

    Anyway, how 'r you doing?

  4. Holly shit, I overslept by 9 hours It's 3:16 PM now.. Anyway, topic reopened, post ahead.
  5. Topic will be opened in the morning. Sky knows why..
  6. Before I'm going to sleep topic will be locked.
  7. Yeah well in general they make pretty crappy cheap stuff. Agreed.
  8. 60 posts in this short time, wow..
  9. Thats my point. Consoles can't be upgraded so you can't play the games of 4 years later on those days high standards.
  10. Dude, they only get updated, not upgraded. And powerwise the ps3 WILL be outdated within 3 years. But Sony, Nintendo and MS always drag it on. And the PC just moves with it's time. I think I'll only upgrade my card in 3.5 years since I just can't afford spending that much money constantly. But I might upgrade my HDD within 1 year (want to reach 1 TB soon). It's your choice.
  11. just 8 and Communism should be a crime. It takes away your freedom.
  12. Just taking ps3 as example cause it's the most powerfull console. Installing - Only needed once GTA IV - Uhm yeah.. Or wait for a PC version (probably will be released) what will have added features and slightly better graphics. (minor updates and probably also downloadable content for Vista) Upgrading - YOU DON'T NEED TO UPGRADE. Only if you really want your PC to constantly be top of the range you upgrade. And of course after 3 years parts will become out dated so you upgrade them if you don't like it. You don't have to. Same with consoles. You buy a new console to move forward and cause it's getting out dated.
  13. Holly crap. This thread is moving as fast as sound
  14. If you still need it then get the pics of gangsters and I'll do the rest. How much do you pay?
  15. So what does the mod actually do?
  16. Oh.. Guess you didn't have the requirements. If you ever change your mind don't hesitate to PM, k.
  17. Meh, PM me if you want something better. Money sent.
  18. I tend to forget to turn of things My Wii is running now probably. And why would third party stuff usually be crap? Even ATi uses third party cooling and maybe nVidia too (Zalman stuff).
  19. You actually did a good Job. Thanks Sending 200$ BTW, which program do you use? For CS2 you just have to use the magic eraser for the sides.
  20. Or they should have fitted a bit better cooler.. Does it also overheat on idle if it's on for like 2 days?
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