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Everything posted by Pandora

  1. Rofl, I can picture that, haha.
  2. Rofl, Ram the Spam Was he rather small (in his pics he looks small) kinda round head, middle brown (duh, India) and glasses?
  3. I'm not sure, but I don't think Blu-Ray writers are that fast yet.. And they already have all the stuff to make the DVD's with. The Blu-ray stuff is all new. Weight wouldn't really a that big problem I think, but yeah. They'll need to alter the shape of the box to fit all the DVD's in.
  4. A single layer Blu-Ray disc can 'only' hold 25 gig BTW. And DVDs are far cheaper to produce so I think producing one Blu-Ray disc would actually be more expensive then producing an amount of DVDs that will equal the storage-space.
  5. Pandora


    Bump FINALLY FINISHED IT! It really is a damn pain if you accidentally leave something out it the middle... Had to redo it 3 times :\ Hope it's ok. Edit: Dunno if this has been mentioned already Horseshoes This map shows you where all the oysters are located. They are found throughout the waters of San Andreas, each one collected increases your luck and gives you a little bit of cash.It says Oysters stuff at the Horseshoes map...
  6. Indeed. My vacation is almost 2 times cheaper outside the high-season (now and Christmas) and the seats of the planes now have even less leg space so they can fit/dump more passengers in it. If they can't get all passengers in their crappy 767 then use a DC11! Geez... I love the DC11 BTW So yesterday I had a fight with my dad (left traces that are seen as big blue marks). I think he was kinda drunk cause his breath really had a strong beer smell.. But yeah.. that kinda hurt.. And according to him I can say bye bye to a new PC. I hope that was just one of his threats that he usually makes, but he said it quite serious and repeated it quite a lot of times so...
  7. No Jace? I had you on my list (that I posted like 2 months ago). Edit: Oh, I don't think UO and MrLlamaLlama were on that list actually, so add those.
  8. If you have a gamepad or Joystick I'd highly suggest using that for the flying. I'm guessing that you can't do the circle airstrip, am I right?
  9. Flight Sim 2004.. Don't have X yet cause I don't think my PC can handle it. I'm doing the flight I'm going to make tomorrow
  10. So that means you've cleared the mission?
  11. Me...not. Rofl, kk, add Silberio to my list (again) Can't be bothered to make a full list ATM. Maybe a bit later.
  12. That SNES brings up some memory's *sigh*. There was this one IMO uber cool game. It was some sort of open world fighting game. So load up all energy and you could do some awesome attack. I want to download the ROM, but unfortunately I don't know the title
  13. I'd go for the first. Suites Clause better IMO.
  14. New? No offence, but he's been here longer then you Silberio Avi 7 it's ok.. Sig 7.7 Perso: Starting to get less annoying. So it's all cool then.
  15. From that point of view it's a good buy, yeah. So how's Mario Party 8 compared to previous ones (I don't know ANYTHING about Mario Party 7, so don't compare it with that)?
  16. 5.6? That's just about 30% more then San Andreas. I doubt it, highly. It's closer to 300% more then 30%.
  17. Banned by/because of the Ministry of GTA
  18. ................. Jace...... You're an idiot....... Super Mario Bros. Super Mario Bros. 2 Super Mario Bros. 3 Dr. Mario Mario & Wario Mario Paint Mario's Time Machine Super Mario All-Stars((I count this as a game, even if it's a collection)) Super Mario Kart Super Mario RPG Super Mario World Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island Dr. Mario 64 Mario Kart 64 Mario Party Mario Party 2 Mario Party 3 Super Mario 64 Super Mario Sunshine Paper Mario Apparently I can't count....... Because that's not even all the Mario games out currently, and I count 20 just right there.... Quite a few of those are for gameboy.. And I messed up my statement. I meant only 2 3d mario games only aimed at Mario himself (so not the Mario Party's and Mario Kart ect.) So that means only Super Mario 64 and Sunshine. And I don't really count paper Mario as one of those.
  19. Beat my lv. 96 Typlosion with your grass pokemon dude
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