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Everything posted by Pandora

  1. @Dame: Then you must have some weird mods installed. Oh, and you do have to have V1 of the game.
  2. Everything that the Sixaxis can do the Wii-mote can as wel. So there's not problem there.
  3. Not every game HAS to use motion sensing. SSB Brawl isn't, and if I'm not mistaken you also can just use classic controls if you wish by plugging in a NGC controller (for the ones used to Melee). Lol
  4. You get a nunchuck that gets plugged into the Wii mote. BTW Chris B, that's actually a quite good article. Thanks
  5. Uhm, I don't get something. If you already have a ps3, why buy another console just for those sports games that you already can have for the ps3.. I bought my Wii for variation to the usual PC games.
  6. We booked about 2 months ago and then almost everything was already full. Not the hotels though, but all the flights were full.
  7. I'm not sure. Don't think so cause I can't remember Fifa on the NGC. But yeah, if you're more for those type of game ps3 or 360 would probably be better. But maybe someone you know will ever get a Wii with Zelda or something so you can try it their. You have to play Zelda for about 2 hours, then you'll get the hang of how everything goes in that game and can more or less determine if you like it.
  8. Person to make reply #3000 to this topic get's 1000 TGTAP $.
  9. It's better to try it first, yeah.. Well you can always go to a big shop. They usually would let you try it. It has considerably less 'power' then the ps3, but offers really good gameplay IMO. Also, you'd have to like games like Mario, Zelda, Metroid and SSB if you'd buy any Nintendo product. Cause that's the style most games have (IMO great. But some would (strongly) disagree)
  10. You can listen to music in our school. But then you first have to give your exam paper in.
  11. Was I THAT bad? lol Banned for not liking me in bed.
  12. Personally I think it would have fucked up the game. I like that you just have the simple Mii look to it. And trust me, it's far more fun then Virtua tennis and stuff. It's a game that fully uses the motion sensing thing, so you actually make the tennis movement and stuff. It doesn't HAVE to be exact, but if you do it adds quite a bit more fun to it. Maybe you should once try the Wii before saying stuff about it. It's kinda hard to describe you know.
  13. I don't think San Andreas PC version was confirmed before the console version was released. And they'd lose lots of sales by not porting it. As much as I love GTA, I wouldn't buy a full console just for that one game. BTW, was it confirmed that the prob with the 360 was space on the DVD? Edit: Or the DLC can be bought as add-on in shops.. maybe.
  14. File size would probably be bigger then the console version. They always polish up the textures a bit and stuff.
  15. Uh nothing? Wii sports? Ever heard of? And it's actually really fun. Especially Tennis and Bowling IMO. Golf kinda sucks...
  16. Reminds me about the time you said I can't lock topics Trust me dude, he can B& for underestimating Sky.
  17. Johnathan Wendel, lol Here exam times are far to short. Never can finish Maths or Greek.. We get 40 minutes. And 6 to 7 is IMO not all that high.. Just passable. Anyone here who'd want to go to the MIT?
  18. That's a little less then 40 EUR.. (it's a ratio of 1.3 BTW). Meh, in all this time it's only dropped with 25 here.. Going reaaal slow.
  19. I wouldn't want a video/movie I don't like.. They could have just included motorstorm or something.
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