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Everything posted by Pandora

  1. Why do you guys always want these things filled with publicity? Do none of you guys hate the idea of not having privacy anymore and constantly have the stupid paparazzi harassing and constantly say that you're doing stuff you're not and try to find fault with all little small thing?
  2. Can't you tell Vista to not give any warns for a specific program anymore? XP gives you that option for all those messages.
  3. Welcome to the (General) Hardware Discussions thread (thought we need such a topic here). So of course, here we talk about hardware and everything related to it, so that includes things like OS. This post will frequently be edited with the latest news about it. News covers stuff like: CPU's (Intel, AMD mainly) Graphic Cards (nVidia, ATi mainly) Coolers PSu's And other special stuff and general news like RAM, PC cases, Monitors and new little gadgets and everything related to it You can also ask (little) questions here if you don't feel like making a full topic about it and I'm sure people will be willing to help you. Though I'm pretty new to it myself, I am very interested in hardware related stuff. In the past few months (when Chris82 talked me into building my own PC instead of buying a ready made one) my knowledge about it has grown considerably and still does every day. I'm new to it, but I think I still can be of help to others. News: 500 gig on a single disc. The Uni of Berlin together with some other university's have succeeded in making a HD DVD and a Blu-Ray disc hold 500 Gig. They achieved this by instead of imprinting date 2d (those some little dotes in a CD) they imprint it 3d with of course 2 lasers. This technique is called "microholography". By combining this technique with multi-layer discs one can achieve getting 500 gig on one single disc. Experts believe that in the future by using this technique discs would be able to hold up to 1TB. Link.
  4. Pandora

    BMW v Mercedes Benz

    Yep. Also 63 AMG aut, though the top speed is also limited to 250, just like the CLS. For business I'd go for a E-class, but for personal usage for fun the CLS is a really great car. I love it. Though for the same price as the CLS AMG you can get a Vantage. It has much less power but the top speed isn't limited so it goes 30 KM/h faster but it needs 0.5 seconds longer to reach 60 Miles an hour. But then it is a Aston... It would be great as second car, but if you'd only have to have one, I'd go for the CLS. But we're draging of, so I guess we'll just continue in the General Car Discussions thread, k?
  5. So you'd have sex when you're 12? The fact that he just has sex for fun the first time shows his immaturity. But that's not your prob. Let's assume he actually did have sex, he'll have to live with it the rest of his live that his first time doing it was pretty much meaningless.
  6. I can imagne Vista being pretty secure with all security on, but then you'll just be bashing your head against a wall cause it won't open any program that's not made by MS them selves. It's secure for a OS, but it blocks virus protection apps to work, what kinda sucks.. They over did the security a bit and just made it annoying and Live one-care just sucks, that's a fact. All other programs beat it.
  7. It's slower. MUCH slower. How the hell did you get the idea that it's faster anyway? And especially how could you even imagine a newer think being 5 times faster when we're talking about software? The security is one of the main reasons NOT to get Vista. It's stil better then a Mac, but the security of Vista is just annoying. Clicking 5 times just to start is game is highly un-needed.
  8. Vista, 5 times faster? You'd have to say slower. Until they come with some decent service pack Vista is pretty much crap. They drastically need to change some stuff. Ow and yes, I'm really going to spend a few hundred EUR on a OS that just has a cool taskbar. ATM XP wins. Though I do hope MS is going to make some serious modifications to Vista.
  9. Pandora

    BMW v Mercedes Benz

    What? You've got the 63AMG version? 514 H/p, holly crap. The E-class does it in 4.7
  10. Pandora

    BMW v Mercedes Benz

  11. No, battlefront is an actual game. To think of it, I actually dreamt about BF2 last night Was a pretty awesome dream actually.
  12. Pandora

    BMW E34

    I actually thought people in America love pick-ups.. How come you don't want that? Uh.. yeah. You can't really race with them or anything, but they're still pretty nice. You could also just buy a second hand Daihatsu for just 100 USD I think. But those cars are rubbish.
  13. 4444, yeah. Beat that 7/7/07
  14. No I don't. I'd hate all the publicity and stuff. I don't know all that much about it, but accountant has always seemed like a pretty boring job to me. It's always the same and stuff and doesn't really pose challenges. I'd want something that has got to do with physics. Not really sure what exactly though. Some job that isn't constantly the same and poses a challenge. Some thing where you have to work on a project, finish it, and then the next one. Maybe for something like Northrop or Lockheed, though the chances of being able to join such company is really slim.
  15. Twilight Princess again. Though I like the game more then GTA, there aren't really good Zelda forums IMO. There it's a bit too much fanboy stuff..
  16. Cupboards? I'd imagine things to be hidden where they really are inaccessible. Like in some locked closet. Anyway, happy Birthday TM. Have a good one Ow, and just one more year until you can get drunk and now you're aloud to do more work (at least here at the age of 15 you can can't more work.).
  17. When I turned the TV on yesterday I saw Shakira (shacking her ass) but I didn't know it was live Earth. Only discovered it right at the end when I decided to watch TV and then on BBC2 had the Pussy Cat Dolls. To bad, it looked pretty cool.
  18. Pandora

    BMW E34

    Are there any Ford Mustangs for the same price? Those cars really rock.
  19. Pandora

    BMW E34

    BMW hasn't always been so high classed like Aston's and Jag's have been..
  20. Welcome again, and enjoy the forum
  21. That's 156 MP/h according to Top Gear magazine. It goes a about 245 KM/h. And Mercedes limits most of there cars to 250, so it it's not that much slower. No pics at the moment cause I don't have it yet. I'll try searching for the same model in a sec though. BTW, can someone explain what this DaimlerChrysler Mercedes-Benz is? What's the mother company?
  22. Pandora

    BMW E34

    I dunno.. 3K is quite much for a nearly 18 year old car you know and it's bound to have quite some deffects.. Try bargening and ask for a test drive or so.
  23. Goody Ow, and you can Introduce yourself here.
  24. Pandora

    BMW E34

    Holy crap, that's more then we have with our 2 cars combined And why don't you like leather? It's only a good thing. It just get's damn hot in summer... So will you give it a repaint (metallic paint or something) or just keep it white?
  25. Typical big then. My dad has been there not all that long ago and he gave me a comparison. It's about 3 times bigger then one of the really huge stores here.
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