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Everything posted by Pandora

  1. It's protein, but that's also in Tofu and stuff. Edit: Ah whatever. It's contains veg so that will do for me.
  2. Cause they can't get enough protein and can't eat anything that contains egg and stuff, like cakes. And we all know that we need cake to get strong. (source: Wikipedia)
  3. Chris02. Can't think of anything else ATM.
  4. Could possibly replace all those words that have got to do with 'it' with IV or something. Or just a redirect to R* site would be funny too. Cool, imagine viewing # while playing GTA IV, that would be awesome
  5. Must have been Chris or something.. I put Spam as description. Anyway, do you have the PSD of that /b/ Random Come in?
  6. KK, thanks And who edited my topic title description
  7. Cool TM. Mind me using that for the first post?
  8. Avatar: 6/10 To me it's just a black box with some blurry white in the middle Sig: Awesome! Perso: No idea, haven't really seen your post, though you've been here for already half a year.. But cool for reviving the topic anyway
  9. To my knowledge only Oskar is 12, average here is about 15 I think.
  10. For downloaded movies maybe... But you could do that with your PC as well, but then you'll have to attach it to your HD TV for the high reso.
  11. I'm not using any app at the moment.. I think I'll fiddle around with the files on my new PC (when I'm finally going to get one.. supposed to already have had one 8 months ago..), my parents don't want me to do it on the one I'm using now.
  12. Uh, every time I start a game of VC and get in a car (not even hijacking it, just that car before the main save house) I get a one star wanted level. And Rotterdam Hills, wouldn't be surprised if that's close to a harbor, since in Holland Rotterdam is our biggest harbor.. But might be something else in NY though.. Good info anyway, busy reading the scans ATM.
  13. For some satisfaction during his endless fall.
  14. Put some content in your posts. Even /b/ is more serious then you all, jeez.
  15. It's a pretty small increase actually.. IMO they should have tried to top the 360 Elite or at least be even. 100$ more just for 20 gig...
  16. You're dead already, and if not, you'll be dead tomorrow when you're getting XP again
  17. I remember you. Cool that you're back. And this time: Stay
  18. So can you be a bit more specific? Which Extreme version, which mobo do you have and which nVidia card?
  19. 36 is fine. Even with cooler 36 is pretty low. Though just to be sure nothing will happen I'd still get a cooler with it. For if you're ever gaming and not realising it's overheating. Not sure about AMD CPU's but the ones of Intel will shut-down as soon as it's overheating (72 C if I'm not mistaken). Just looks like copy paste to me. Up to 4 TB of storage? Yeah, every PC can have that, but what are you getting? Then you have a nVidia Card with DX 10. That could also just be a 8500 card, and those kinda suck. A accelerator is totally not needed since barely any games can use it, and why the heck are you putting a Blu-ray drive in it? Those things are to expensive ATM and not needed. A normal DVD writer is more then enough. Other then that, what do you mean with from, what's the actual price? I can get all of that for just 3200 EUR I think, and then you'll have far better Ram. So now really show the specs you're getting, and not that copypasta. Edit: Found it, and indeed just some copy paste. Really, it's not worth the money and it's filled with useless stuff like this: Duh they recommend it, but that's just cause it makes them so much richer. 1-The Ultra isn't worth the price at all, it's like 15% more expensive for 5% better performance. 2-They're charging 500$ more when it should just be 250$ more then a Dual 8800 GTX. And then for all that money they don't even include a Raptor HDD. Some news added BTW
  20. Dude, I'd do it for free, and so would many others. Lot's of people join just for some cash, how should they get 500$ from, hu? And anyone who wants help expects it to be somewhat proffesional, so no cheats. What type of help is that?
  21. They'd have to lower it to 400 for me to even think of ever buying it. And they still don't have any decent games.. But this price drop might save them.. for the time being. BTW is Motorstorm only included on the 80 Gig version or for both?
  22. I HATED Daniel. He was totally NOT bond like. Actually, if I'd just bumb in the middle of the film I would have never guessed that it was a 007 movie. IMO Pierce Brosman was the best, he's everything a real Bond should be and have somehow.
  23. It's just to hide how f#cked up their OS is. Really, I hate macs. Name 3 good things about Macs. There, that'll keep you busy (:
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