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Everything posted by Pandora

  1. Well I've seen the Dutch trailer and they really have used an awefull voice for it. Think only that will already spoil the whole movie.. So yeah, I'll go to the original version (I always hate the translated stuff anyway). I actually don't think it will be better then the normal episodes TBH..
  2. Rofl, I've just (well actually an hour ago) finished making my Chocolate brownies so I'm having one too.
  3. Mercedes A and B class really suck ass.. How exactly is that ugly? When is was released it was one of the most high tech cars and it actually still looks pretty good IMO (for such old car that is). I HATE the Swift.. The old one. And which fool came up with this car?
  4. I should look for a shop where you can actually rent these games.. I remember some place where you used to be able to rent N64 and ps1 games, never checked for new though.. Guess I have a look tomorrow.
  5. Well, usually just wait a minute and then everythings fine again. No Trojan Horse though. Have any screeny of it?
  6. The graphics of your shitty home are ok, nothing special. It's probably even more boring then second life. So now on just STFU about the stupid home feature cause nobody gives a shit. And why should we tell you why XBL is better? You come up with 1 thing, yes, just try 1 thing of the ps3 that tops the XBL online features. Oh, and that may not include the pricing, kay? That's 3. to. many. No, sir. That's just stating a fact. Nice. Just, nice. Nothing special. Just nice. As nice as it is to see the weather on the Wii what is actually more practical then the useless home feature.
  7. Pandora

    Forza 2 Thread

    Does the game actually have a Veyron and a Zonda in it? Oh, and Spyker? They aren't really known but they have made some great cars. Just wondering.. And SLR rims are pretty cool IMO. Simple, yet cool.
  8. WTF is with this M$ bullshit? Yes, they're prices are ridiculously high for software, but at least they make something good. IMO Apple is much worse then Microsoft and they really try everything they can to get a monopoly. Other then that, the Xbox online service pwns. IMO Xbox 1's online service was even better then the ps3's, but that's of course mainly cause it's made by MS, a company that only is computer related, unlike Sony who makes all kinds of things. About the ps2, it friezes constantly. I don't know if the ps3 has the same prob but it's really annoying. I now own all of the last 3 generation Nintendo consoles and never has one of them friezed and never did one of them have a hardware failure.
  9. As said, The gamecube as console wasn't anything special, but it had some really good games, my favorite being the Windwaker and Metroid Prime Echoes was great too.
  10. Nintendo sucked until the Wii? No way. Seriously though, I prefer a few Nintendo 64 games to all ps3 games out there, one of those being Ocarina of Time. The Gamecube had a few great titles too, but the console it self wasn't really impressive by far..
  11. Pandora

    Forza 2 Thread

    If I ever buy a 360 (if the price drops) I'm sure to buy this game, really looks great. Nice car too Chris, just ugly rims IMO..
  12. Try to repair the installation.. Might help. (just insert install DVD)
  13. 2 times is exaggerated, but it is more expensive. I had a source from a hardware site, but that's 4 months old or something, so I can't really find that back thus not being able to show exact figures. But I think it was a 2:5 ratio or something like that. And the discs are more fragile cause it has a thinner protective layer so more data can be put onto the discs. Again.. lost source.
  14. They already have put 500 gig on one HD-DVD, but as stated.. it's far the expensive and the same technology also can be used for the Blu-Ray disc.. Though I'd prefer HD-DVD winning just cause it's cheaper, Blu-Ray is actually better and if they'd not be so damn expensive I wouldn't waste a second even thinking about HD-DVD being better.
  15. Pandora


    Already doing that. I'm on 20% ATM.
  16. How can you even compare PoP with the legendary Zelda? Can anyone tell me a bit about AC. I always thought it was just one of those titles that will fade away soon, but then there was a part 2. All I know about it is that you would get a free memory card with it
  17. WTF is wrong with you? Damn.. Of course I've seen them, duh. With fragile I meant that it gets scratched much easier. Other then that, yes, that technology is rather expensive. But then they're also trying to make a cheap manner for HD-discs (more layers) so it still can hold more then Blu-Ray discs and be cheaper too.
  18. Not exactly, he's only going to continue work on the gangs when the new IPS (store) will be released which hopefully will also rid us of the bugs it currently has.
  19. You're serious? It's a great OS for servers and the like, but for all other things it's just useless. Something to convince you: Exept for Quake series and a handfull of other titles NO games work on it. I'm pretty sure it still can play mp3 and stuff, but I'm pretty sure you're going to hate it. Stick with XP, it's great.
  20. Blu-ray is better, yes. But it's like 2 times more expensive (just some random figure) and the CD's are much more fragile. Other then that, there is absolutely no need to store 50 gig on a disc and on top of that, some university is working on a technology so that a HD-DVD can hold more then 400 gig, so beat that.
  21. Nobody (yet). Well actually I doubt I'll ever meet any member of this forum, but who knows..
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