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Everything posted by Pandora

  1. It's just you infront of your pc taken with a webcam. The only thing what's different is your expression.
  2. No, you don't overclock, you buy it overclocked. Almost all good graphic cards have been pre-overclocked.
  3. I've had some close calls..
  4. @Silb: ... Cause he's... the admin.. The most known in the forum.
  5. He'll not see himself anymore as her father basically. Like giving away a possession. You disown it. Edit: well, probably I just won't understand it. I only can guess. And I'm pretty much 100% sure I'm straight. Guys just don't turn me on at all (exept for sport, but that's different), girls it pants that are slightly to small on the other hand...
  6. Was actually expecting Spaz to make it.

    Now I'll have to wait until fakeG returns from his unsuspected holiday.

  7. How the f*** could I otherwise say that it slips? I have. Infact, I have done it before you ever layed your hands on one. I did it before the official release (short) and after (long) and was not really impressed. Just some fancy gadget, but it didn't live up to the expectations.
  8. Well yeah, but when you said some I was thinking about 10 people or so..
  9. I usually forget to. It doesn't mean anything anyway, so I don't really bother about it that much. Edit: you only have 4 friends...
  10. Silberio, you're starting to become quite annoying you know..
  11. I wasn't asking you Silberio. It was the the staff, the people who actually decide this.
  12. Well it's good they finally put it in, but I just never liked the shape of the ps range controllers and this version is slightly more irritating then the ps2's one. BTW, does it have such end click? So that you have to put slightly more pressure to fully trigger it?
  13. To my knowledge it isn't. And you don't actually rob. You just take the money of the dead guy. So you're robbing a person, not the store. And why the heck would you WANT 4 stars?
  14. Just repost it. Much easier. Or give a link to the pic.
  15. You can. As long as you don't try to really start thinking. Everytime I really have a good dream by effin alarm goes
  16. I just got my essay back from Latin. Got a 9.3 so I'm pretty happy with that. Also we saw a movie about Nero what was pretty interesting.
  17. No nightmares is the last year, but some other pretty weird ones. Like the dream that I'm totally beating up (to to point of death) someone. Then slam the stomach open with my fist. The thing is that it wasn't a annoying person or someone I hate, but actually someone I rather like. So that's pretty weird. Ow, and this dream that I was banned from TGTAP for.. well just banned for no reason. Amazing that I actually dreamt that
  18. Might be that I'm just not use to it, might be that I'm just holding it wrong. But during motorstorm it kept slipping out of my right hand (trigger R2 to accelerate/trottle).
  19. Well I did that once, kindda. With Silberio just to show that I can. But I reopended it with in 5 hours or so (as soon as I was on again). It was in forum fun and games. So is that abusing too?
  20. I actually hate the triggers. Placed totally wrong. I usually use them as support to hold the gamepad, but the triggers on such a way that you'll be holding it and it will je slide out of your hand. If you ask me it's just designed wrong. De 360 controller is rather big, but atleast you can hold it properly. I love the GC controller most. It's the best to hold and has better rumble then the dualshock IMO.
  21. Well you're right there.. Edit: @Spaz: you can't use a keyboard for a Wii. Only a special Wii keyboard that still has to be released. At least, so I heard/read. PS3 controller = PS2 controller without the things that people liked about it.
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