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Everything posted by TUN3R

  1. TUN3R

    GTA v PC Version

    That's what I was doing, I stated facs, even posted a link that showed you were wrong, but obviously you weren't even reading decided to ignore them like the fanboy that you are. Anyway umm... WTF? Do you seriously expect me to make sense of that? You contradicted yourself twice just in that one sentence (bold). Contradiction once more. Anyway, YOU better point out where you got your idea Who sends the developer kit (whatever the hell that is) to the developer? Jesus? That's an understatement. The PS2 at least could barely run GTA San Andreas, and it dragged the other versions down because game developers believe everybody is equal except PC gamers. Anywho, normally I'd ask you for that link but tbh I don't give a damn. It's probably true, but it's just more proof that Rockstar North only gets involved in the development of the console versions.
  2. TUN3R

    Five T Shirts

    Yes cause I have nothing better to do than parade around wearing over-priced T-shirts. There are companies that sell custom T-shirts, with whatever you want printed on 'em. "Yeah well they are not official!" Really? You think Rockstar makes those T-shirts themselves? Last I checked they were a game developer, lately a pretty bad one too. And in case you haven't noticed, it's winter.
  3. TUN3R

    GTA v PC Version

    ??? Try making sense please... just, focus, it's not hard. Anyway your so called "common knowledge" comes from the Xbox forums. I admit I starget getting a better idea of how things work since I started learning C, but it doesn't take a lot of computer know-how to realize that all of today's applications are made on PC's, using software designed to work on PC, not on Windows sure (although some games like GTA IV do feel like they were made on a virused PC running Windows 95 Beta...) but at their core the are programs, just like the games.
  4. 1. Pick an American city where there are more criminals than in Europe and Asia combined. 2. Shrink it till it's 1/100 of it's original size. 3. Change the name to something suggestive, so that you don't get sued if someone goes on a rampage a few years later. 4. ??? 5. Profit.
  5. Sharks... Lowriders... Submarines... hillbilly a**holes flying big ass planes... why does Chop have a pink collar?
  6. TUN3R

    GTA v PC Version

    So let me get this straight... games created ON PC, using PC SOFTWARE, with alpha testing done ON PC, has difficulties being made to RUN ON PC? Oh there are difficulties porting it to PC... then why port it and not develop it normally? Along with the console versions? For the sake of increasing sales on the somewhat less-pirated console versions that's why. I wonder if it ever crossed Rockstar's mind that their sales might increase if their product quality wasn't total s*it on PC, or that although GTA San Andreas was the most pirated PC game in 2005 it was also the best selling one... Wikipedia disagrees: http://en.wikipedia....Dead_Redemption In the ''Greedy motherf*ckers'' language, ''not planed'' translates to ''we haven't began workin' yet but we will release a low-budget port once we figured we can't squeeze any more money out of the consoles and make a s*it ton of money out of that instead". The reasons, for neglecting PC gamers in general, are as follows: -Microsoft, mostly, as well as other evil companies like EA, Take-Two or Activision constantly shutting down, bribing, buying out or ''enslaving'' other developers. -Developers focusing more on creating hype rather than actual development, PC fans don't get hyped so easy since some or most (depending on the game) might not be able to run the game or run it well. Therfor the console market is a more convenient ''work'' field, douchebags. -Console prices constantly droping and clients never realizing that hardware and service quality are droping as well (or that console games are also more expensive, on the long run, console gaming is way more expensive than PC gaming). You got HBO on Xbox Live, good for you. Did you notice that it also scratches your discks every time you accidentally nudge the table or a power surge hits? (one million reasons later) -The economy.
  7. Then clearly you don't play that many PC games. And Windows stopped being Microsoft's priority a long time ago. Ether that or it's just another one of the millions of rumors floating around on the internet. Knowing Microsoft, I wonder how long it will be till Windows no longer supports games... Simple: they haven't. Firstly because GTA IV wasn't ported by Rockstar North, and secondly because they are the most ignorant developers in existance, which is generally a good thing since the majority of fans are idiots, had Rockstar given a damn about what they say GTA would have become an endless seriest of Vice City remakes. In this case however... 1. GTA never tried drifting away from the gameplay style shared at some point with Saints Row, but vice-versa. Which is bull**** if on Volition's side if you ask me. Like I said, one of the reasons Rockstar was so successful is that they are masters in the art of not giving a shit about anyone. 2. Skyrim doesn't work better on PC, not on most PC's anyway. That's if we talk performance, cause as far as bugs and glitches go the PC version tops the 360 and PS3, although most of 'em are the same. I don't know about BF3 but I've played NFS The Run (also a Junkbite 2 game) and it's clear as daylight that it's not a game made for anything smaller than a $1500 rig. Not to mention it looks like crap... Frostbite 2 games tend to have this ether cyan-esque or sunset orange atmosphere all the time. 3. If everybody were like Rockstar, it would most likely lead to one of two scenarios: A. There would be no more PC gaming. B. There would be only one game developer left, since everybody would slowly and stealthly shut or buy everybody out... and there would be no more PC gaming. PC gaming has been shat on so much it's no wonder devs are forgetting their roots. Only hope left is Valve, aparently they are preparing an almighty kick in the balls for Microsoft and consoles, ether that or they are making their own console...
  8. Still searching for a shit to give... ...and if you edit this you're a douchebag. Kidding, you're already a douchebag.
  9. Yes it' very impressive how only 90% of Android customers and 70% of iOS customers experienced problems with both games... very impressive...
  10. No doubt there will be a PC version. What I'm afraid of is they'll just take the Xbox version, slap a new UI, a video editor and mouse support to it, ''write ''GAYMZ 4 WINDOWZ'' on it and BAM! PC version! I know what you're thinking: ''Yah well IV was just one game''. Well no, IV wasn't just one game, Rockstar has been delivering shitty ports ever since. LA Noire ran a little better than most because the graphics were from the PS2 generation. And IV was their biggest money maker at the time, you'd think they'd wanna port it themselves but nooo, they hired some unexperienced Canadians to do it. If they can't make a proper PC game they shouldn't make one at all, let the competition do it.
  11. Every little word out of a Rockstar employee's hole is something to think about... Let there be hype...
  12. I knew you'd just love this one So you did it for me? Aww thanks. You know what I'd really like? A teaser for Saints Row 4! Let me know if you have one kthx <3 Anyway I think the police SUV is based off this:
  13. I don't care about the Housers, they never hesitated to give us the finger so I don't see why I should hesitate to return the favor. But I do care about GTA. Here's the facts: even if the developers weren't into PC games GTA I and II were released on PC first. And even IF they didn't care about PC gamers they still released PC versions of almost all the games in the series. If it wasn't a PC series they never should have released 'em on PC (some of them only half-developed too) in the first place, period.
  14. It's not weird. GTA VC came out 10 years ago. The real test will be with GTA San Andreas though. Wonder if they'll make anniversary editions for LCS and VCS as well...
  15. Somehow? Any dummy can see they look better. The vehicles at least don't have those burn-like textures... Anyway unless it comes with a free tablet I think I'll stick to the Steam version...
  16. Your sense of cynicism is making me chuckle. Realism* Is that good or bad? :3
  17. Obviously they aren't from the phone, wouldn't wanna give customers the impression they aren't getting what they pay for now do we?
  18. http://www.thegtaplace.com/forums/topic/27870-gta-v-pc-version/ They shouldn't be petitioning anything at all, it never helps. Just gives Rockstar more reason to hate us.
  19. Junkie protagonists seem to be in trend these days...
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