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Everything posted by TUN3R

  1. Never gets old. Now uh... where to get a phone...
  2. TUN3R

    GTA v PC Version

    They sold more on consoles because they came out earlier on those. In the case of GTA IV it was also due to shitty console to PC transition... If they'd all come out at the same time and be given the same attention then Sony and Microshofth would be left with much lighter pockets. It's most curious that almost every site I've visited so far (including Wikipedia) doesn't show the PC sales...
  3. TUN3R

    GTA v PC Version

    While I'm glad to see there are still people who give a shit, I have to inform you that all they've done is give Rockstar a reason to call PC gamers ungrateful brats. Rockstar are going to release it on PC regardless, it's still a huge money maker and they know it. Problem is that, much like GTA IV, LA Noire and Max Payne 3, they are going to release it as a cash-in, low budget, half-developed port. So basically PC gamers are now pissed cause Rockstar is delaying the PC version, and after it's released they will be pissed that Rockstar released it as mentioned above. Course, I could be wrong, they might not release it at all. I was dead sure they were going to release Red Dead Redemption on PC at some point... If whoever made this petition really wanted to help (petitions never help but whatever) he / she should have waited till the game was out and petitioned a re-release or a proper patch. I'll sign anyway since it's too late to fix anything now... It probably won't be the idiots at Rockstar Toronto who port it this time, since they were merged with the idiots at Rockstar Vancouver. Rockstar Leeds maybe? They ported TLaD and it's not hard to notice that it runs better than IV and TBoGT. And the only PC game Chris cares about is Call of Duty :-P
  4. Does it come with a free phone? Cause otherwise I don't see why I'd want to play this on the phone and not on the PC or PS2... $3 is worth it, just...
  5. Like I said... for the 3rd time... it's bad compared to IV, I've seen plenty of games with shitty draw distance.
  6. Well I guess I can't expect GTA fangirls to get smarter or more perceptive over night... especially this one...
  7. This is still up for debate...? Did you even see the picture?
  8. I see what I see, I don't see what Rockstar wants me to.
  9. Probably cause it's ugly due to the DRAW DISTANCE SUCKING TOTAL DICK. Or maybe because the sea is boring, just water everywhere... Based on the screenshots, do you really feel this way about the draw distance? ...compared to GTA IV.
  10. Probably cause it's ugly due to the DRAW DISTANCE SUCKING TOTAL DICK. Or maybe because the sea is boring, just water everywhere...
  11. Ok ok don't get your panties in a twist. The point is... ahh forget it.
  12. Looks more like a Humvee to me. Shows what you know. Compare:
  13. Yes Chris because you have five hours (combined) on GTA IV. If you had more experience with it you'd have realized pretty fast that the draw distance in GTA V is nowhere near as big... or maybe it's the excess FOV... regardless, I was referring to the distant scenery's detail, it sucks. Anyway that don't look like any fog I've ever seen.
  14. Sony's trying to make me hate them more than I hate Microsoft... they are on the right track. Anyway this is Gab3n's fault, he should have never brought Steam to PS3, leave the console f*ggots with their own junk.
  15. The Patriot was always a Hummer, this looks like a 4 door Jeep Wrangler. Plus I think I spotted the Patriot elsewhere, looked the same as in GTA IV.
  16. Hyped* Cynical. 'Sides, it doesn't matter as to whether it's shooped or not. True. Long as it's not gameplay, it doesn't matter. I honestly don't see the point in game trailers... trailers are for movies, demos are for games. That's the only way you can tell what the game is like before buying it.
  17. 0:07 Audi R8 Spyder... duh. 0:22 Several Sabre GT's, and a new Stallion / Ford Mustang / Dodge Challenger based muscle car? 0:27 Tornado / Chevy Bel Air? 0:35 Obvious BMW... Sentinel / Oracle? 0:47 Cheapened / dulled-out Spyker C8? 0:51 MGM lawsuit? 0:51 Also finally re-desgined police car? 0:56 (just barely) SSC Ultimate Aero? And the F620 / Uglified Maserati Granturismo from TBoGT, no doubt with the same crappy model and Super GT shared handling from TBoGT. 1:03 New Sentinel / BMW M3 clear as daylight. 1:08 Blue Lotus Elise in background. 1:16 Jaguar XFR. 1:21 Jeep Wrangler / New Mesa? 1:35 Audi and Wayfarer / Freeway? And disagreeing with the fanboys =/= trolling.
  18. Yes cause people never lie... especially not game developers... Draw distance seems to have taken a step backwards... or several...
  19. Yes cause focusing on cars and guns is so mainstream...
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