If , for example i had downloaded a VC mod, and Converted it to work in SA, i would at least have the comon courtesy to, in the readme, include the author of the file from which mine had originated. Ever used FPS Creator? there are a bunch of downloadable models commision free for use on the FPSC forums, sure i've downloade a few, and always, i include a credit to the creator of any model i use in any file i create. If someone took a mod you'd created and converted it to, for example, SA and took every living shred of credit for the entirity of the mod, would you be happy to accept that???
Also, well done harlen for making your post. When you buy a game/program, you are paying for a liscence to use those fles, so long as you do not duplicate and distibute the liscence that is fine. ( don't quote me on it though)
Also i agree with the 'sticky n00b' comment.
You want a REAL metaphor to make your point, that car salesman one really sucks. Here is a feasable metaphor. Say a car company, Ford, for example, bought a Vauxhall and crowbarred (possibly the best verb ever!) off the Griffin badge and plastered a Ford one in it's place. Despite the fact the calipers, intakes, catalytic converter, driveshaft, fan belt, steering servos, clutch cable etc. were either bough or produced by Vauxhall, it's a ford now is it?
(one word answers only please)
Dont get me wrong, hypocrits should be shot, i should know, i am one...