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Posts posted by MarkD1990

  1. This is awesome!

    Also, mark, is there a left page opposing this page?

    An arrow seems to be point at 'Vlad' and 'Manny' but they're on the other page.

    Ye it was on a another page aswell but based on a different news, but I will link it here aswell:


  2. Shane Kim has been very excited publicly about his belief that the Xbox 360 version of Grand Theft Auto IV would be the best selling version and deliver the most content. We here at Xbox Family had caught wind of pre-order content that would be available exclusively to the Xbox 360, but had to guess what it would be. Automatically, we assumed it was one of the exclusive downloadable content packs that Microsoft paid an arm and a leg for.

    While it’s not that big, Xbox 360 owners will still be getting some freebies as well as possibly getting even more. Those who pre-order the Xbox 360 version will receive a pack of 4 exclusive GTA IV gamerpics that they can download immediately and won’t be available to the general public. In addition to this, if you pre-order at brick & mortar retailers (real stores, not online retailers), you’ll receive an exclusive Grand Theft Auto IV game case which contains information on how to win a bevy of prizes from an upcoming giveaway that will be held on xbox.com.

    The giveaway will only be available to those who pre-order the game. Inside of the case you receive when you pre-order the game will be a code to enter online for entry.

    Giveaway Prizes Include:

    -100 people will win an Xbox 360 Elite console.

    -2000 people will win Grand Theft Auto IV apparel.

    -10,000 people will win various amounts of MS Points ranging from 500 to 1600 ms points.

    -10,000 people will win various XBL Gold memberships ranging from 1 month to 12 months.

    So there you have it. That’s Microsoft’s big plan to seal up the Grand Theft Auto IV pre-orders. We would have preferred one of the downloadable content packs, but it’s still pretty nice to know Xbox 360 owners will be getting something for pre-ordering the game.

    From what we know, this information should go public by at least mid-March. So you shouldn’t have to wait too long.

    Source: XBOX Family

    But is this for regular versions or for special edition or even both?

  3. I pre-ordered today, they didnt ask for money just my Game card, and i got the pre-ordered slip but the thing is when i got home i realised that they ordered the regular edition, and the special edition 1 is only available to pre-order online!

  4. You'll probably notice the biggest changes in the feel of GTA IV is when you get in a vehicle. It's much more realistic, making the faster cars and bikes more difficult to control and the difference between models more noticeable. It still felt fun but don't rely on that handbrake when cornering.

    Quote from Games Master

  5. Ok today I am on a role here people full of info lol.

    One of the best missions we saw was the Truck Hustle, which had Niko crossing into Alderney (New Jersey) trying to steal some 'brown' from Triad gangsters who are convinced the drugs are cursed. Niko showing up with guns and grenades does nothing to allay their fears and one of the gang drives off in the truck with the goods. You had to run after it by hammering (A) and jump on the back to hijack the truck. It's like a minigame in itself and has obviously had a lot of effort put into it.

    Obviously you won't always need to do it to hijack a truck, but if the drivers are determined to get rid of you then Niko's monkey like clambering skills come into play like this...

    And here is the triad truck he is supposed to hijack:


    Plus all of the info im giving out is from Games Master Magazine

  6. I read read in Games Master that the PS3 and 360 will get DLC:

    We were told the PS3 version was running a week late or so behind the 360 one in terms of completeness but will be nearly identical to look and play. Both consoles will get additional downloadable content, but the 360 GTA IV will have two exclusive missions

    This sounds good for both consoles now!

  7. Delete my account.


    I guess I will continue this same discussion that i am having to another typical fan site which is open to these discussions. What happened to enjoying games in general. Why defend one game, one series...what wrong with the other games. Whats wrong with concepts/ideas from other games. Why did you have to twist my posts to make me wrong? I guess ignorance is a bliss in this site.

    Haha, i am just looking at your guys profiles, you all under age of 17...the minimum age to play this games (you at 14, the other at 13). You not even mature enough to understand the previous humor from the game alone. You will need to ask your mom to buy the game for you.

    GTA community is a sad community...contaminated for younglings like you.

    Hey guys ban ktr the f**kin loser, if he's gonna call the GTA Comunnity sad, plus for your info loads of ppl here are gonna be 18 when this game comes out and delete this topic or lock it because its going off topic!

  8. He's done bad things

    In the first trailer, Niko says:

    I killed people, smuggled people, sold people. Perhaps here, things will be different.

    But some cops in LC seem to know about his grisly past...

    He's Ice Cold

    Niko rarely loses his cool, and when someone asks for a murder-based favour he rarely bats an eyelid

    He's Tough

    In one early cut scene, steroid-case Brucie throws a punch at him and Niko nearly breaks his arm. "Whoah, thats some red army shit" shouts Brucie. Is Niko ex-Special forces?

    He's Funny

    Even in a bad situation. Niko doesn't shy away from a dry-as-sandpaper quip. "Well since you put it that way......Im in.

    Im tired of typing now so I will upload the whole page for you to read!!



    • If Niko gets shot - or shoots someone near the camera, it'll get splattered with blood
    • Niko can push peds out of the way with (B) like in Assassin's Creed and it won't upset the police
    • Popular drink 'Sprunk' is back
    • LC includes a subway that can be used to get around
    • There's a new dashboard view available in cars
    • You can see the lights of planes as they fly overhead
    • Niko's cell phone is on the 'Badger' network
    • You can dial 911 to get a cop car to steal, instead of causing chaos and waiting around for one to turn up
    • Some streets are named after strange celebrities - we noticed Jim Jones Street and Hubbard Avenue
    • Characters will comunicate with Niko via headset in certain missions
    • Niko's health is shown around the radar - you can complete the circle by getting a bulletproof item to wear
    • You can see people breath when its cold
    • Mafia, Triads, Jamacians and Irish are some of the factions you'll meet
    • Some peds pee up walls
    • One of the radio stations advertises a cartoon called 'My Drunk Ungle'
    • There are some missions where you will need to kneecap your enemies
    • Strip Lights flicker
    • Cluckin' Bell has outlets across LC
    • Shoot a tyre and you will hear the air escapeing
    • You where a helmet while your riding a bike, and throw it down when you get it off
    • You pay tolls on the bridges
    • Moths fly around the street lamps
    • Some pimped out cars have 'spinners'

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